رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" World Class Performance Through Total Quality : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 719865
Doc. No : b539558
Main Entry : by Paul Spenley.
Title & Author : World Class Performance Through Total Quality : : a practical guide to implementation\ by Paul Spenley.
Publication Statement : Boston, MA: Springer US, 1992
Page. NO : (xii, 171 pages)
ISBN : 1461534844
: : 9781461534846
Contents : One Introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM) --;1 --;Total Quality Management --;worldwide effect --;2 --;The management methodology --;3 --;TQM principles --;Two Implementation of TQM --;4 --;The executive/management role --;5 --;TQM structure and top-down requirements --;6 --;Quality policy --;7 --;Measurement --;8 --;Quality improvement teams --;9 --;Education and training --;10 --;Involvement and commitment --;11 --;Supplier strategy --;12 --;Time to market --;13 --;Organizational design --;14 --;Summary --;Three Tools and Techniques for TQM.
Abstract : TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) - A COMPETITIVE EDGE In the context of the European and Western manufacturing challenge being set by the 'Far Eastern Machine', it is of critical importance that manufacturing competitiveness is improved in Western companies.
Subject : Science (General)
LC Classification : ‭HD62.15‬‭B973 1992‬
Added Entry : Paul Spenley
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