" Therapeutic Outcome of Endocrine Disorders : "
edited by Brian Stabler, Barry B. Bercu.
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Main Entry
edited by Brian Stabler, Barry B. Bercu.
Title & Author
Therapeutic Outcome of Endocrine Disorders : : Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life\ edited by Brian Stabler, Barry B. Bercu.
Publication Statement
New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000
Series Statement
Serono Symposia USA.
Page. NO
(xvii, 278 pages)
: 9781461212300
1. Outcome Research in Pediatric Psychoendocrinology and Sexology --;I. Treatment of Growth Hormone Deficiency: Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life --;2. Growth Hormone Replacement in Adults: The First 10 Years --;3. Quality of Life in Children and Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency --;4. Treatment of Childhood Growth Hormone Deficiency: Efficacy and Innovation --;5. Quality of Life Among Adults with Childhood Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency: A Comparison with Siblings --;6. Quality of Life in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency Diagnosed During Childhood (An Invited Contribution) --;II. Treatment of Turner Syndrome: Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life --;7. The Impact of Growth Hormone Therapy on Turner Syndrome --;8. Phenotype-Karyotype Relationships in Turner Syndrome --;9. Standards of Care Needed to Optimize Outcomes for Turner Syndrome --;III. Treatment of Short, Non-Growth Hormone Deficiency: Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life --;10. The Non-Growth Hormone-Deficient Child: Does Therapy with Growth Hormone Produce Benefit? --;11. Impact of Short Stature on Quality of Life: Where Is the Evidence? --;12. Mediators of Psychological Adjustment in Children and Adolescents with Short Stature (An Invited Contribution) --;13. Turner Syndrome: Psychological Functioning Rated Parents and by the Girls Themselves (An Invited Contribution) --;IV. Treatment of Diabetes: Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life --;14. Evaluating Quality of Life in Diabetes: Methods and Findings --;15. Effective Utilization of Self-Monitored Blood Glucose Data: Cognitive and Behavioral Prerequisites --;16. Influence of Type 1 Diabetes on Childhood Growth and Development --;17. Glycosylated Hemoglobin: A Myopic View of Diabetes Care? --;V. Treatment of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life --;18. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (Salt-Losing Form and Simple Virilizing Form): Long-Term Results of Treatment --;19. Psychological Outcome in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia --;20. Psychosexual Quality of Life in Adult Intersexuality: The Example of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (An Invited Contribution) --;21. Male Fertility in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (An Invited Contribution) --;VI. Treatment of Congenital Hypothyroidism: Efficacy, Innovation and Quality of Life --;22. Growth and Development of Hypothyroid Infants --;23. Neurobehavioral Consequences of Congenital Hypothyroidism Identified by Newborn Screening --;Author Index.
The meeting fostered the presentation and discussion of the most current clinical research on the effects of various therapies on a wide range of endocrine disorders from diabetes to adrenal insufficiency and growth hormone deficiency.
LC Classification
RC649.E358 2000
Added Entry
Barry B Bercu
Brian Stabler
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