رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal practice "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 720844
Doc. No : b540541
Main Entry : Stephen P. DiBartola.
Title & Author : Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal practice\ Stephen P. DiBartola.
Edition Statement : 3rd ed
Publication Statement : St. Louis, Mo: Saunders Elsevier, ©2006.
ISBN : 0721639496
: : 9780721639499
Notes : Revised edition of: Fluid therapy in small animal practice. 2nd ed. 2000.
Contents : Section 1: Applied Physiology --;1. Applied physiology of body fluids in dogs and cats --;2. Applied renal physiology --;Section 2: Electrolyte Disorders --;3. Disorders of sodium and water: Hypernatremia and hyponatremia --;4. Disorders of chloride: Hyperchloremia and hypochloremia --;5. Disorders of potassium: Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia --;6. Disorders of calcium: Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia EXPANDED! --;7. Disorders of phosphorus: Hyperphosphatemia and hypophosphatemia --;8. Disorders of magnesium: Hypomagnesemia --;Section 3: Acid-Base Disorders --;9. Introduction to acid-base disorders --;10. Metabolic acid-base disorders --;11. Respiratory acid-base disorders --;12. Mixed acid-base disorders --;13. Strong ion difference approach to acid-base balance NEW! --;Section 4: Fluid Therapy --;14. Introduction to Fluid Therapy --;15. Technical aspects of fluid therapy: Catheters and monitoring of fluid therapy --;16. Monitoring fluid therapy and complications of fluid therapy NEW! --;17. Perioperative management of fluid therapy --;18. Fluid therapy for gastrointestinal and pancreatic disease --;19. Fluid therapy for hepatic disease EXPANDED! --;20. Fluid therapy in endocrine and metabolic disorders --;21. Fluid and diuretic therapy in heart failure --;22. Fluid therapy during intrinsic renal failure --;23. Shock Syndromes --;Section 5: Special Therapy --;24. Blood transfusion and blood substitutes --;25. Total parenteral nutrition --;26. Enteral nutrition NEW! --;27. Fluid therapy with macromolecular plasma volume expanders --;28. Peritoneal dialysis --;29. Hemodialysis EXPANDED!
Abstract : Brings together useful information about fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base physiology and fluid therapy for dogs and cats. This book includes three chapters, which deals with strong ion difference approach to acid base balance, the clinical approach to the dehydrated patient, and more.
Subject : Cats -- Diseases -- Treatment.
Subject : Dogs -- Diseases -- Treatment.
Subject : Veterinary fluid therapy.
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