رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Multimodal texts from around the world : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 721479
Doc. No : b541186
Title & Author : Multimodal texts from around the world : : cultural and linguistic insights.
Publication Statement : [Place of publication not identified]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
ISBN : 1349321400
: : 9781349321407
Contents : List of Photographs List of Figures List of Tables Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction: Multimodal Texts from Around the World: Cultural and Linguistic Insights; W.L.Bowcher PART I: AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Nigeria: Multimodality in Oko Folktale Discourse and its Sociosemiotic Purposes; E. Akerejola Jordan: Schematic Representations in Election Advertisements in Jordan; K.Momani PARY II: EUROPE Greece: Multimodal Text Analysis of Three Modern Greek Printed Advertisements Employing the Persuasive Modes of Ethos, Logos and Pathos ; M.Karagevrekis Finland: The Localisation of Advertising Print Media as a Multimodal Process; T.Hiippala Croatia: 'G local isation': Exploring the Dialectic between the Local and the Global; M.Stenglin Russia: Alcohol Advertising in Aeroflot ; I.Berazhny PART III: ASIA AND OCEANIA India: 'In India, nobody wants to be dark': Interpreting the Fairness Ideology Through Intersemiotic Complementarity; S.Ramakrishnan China: A Multisemiotic Analysis of a Chinese Long Scroll Painting; Y.Fang Japan: Multimodality in Japanese Anti-war Placards; W.L.Bowcher Australia: Standing out on Critical Issues: Evaluation in Large Verbal-visual Displays in Australian Broadsheets; D.Economou PART IV: NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA USA: Multilingual California: Spanish in the Market; C.Colombi Brazil: A Comparative Study of Brazilian and British Images of the Black Body; C.Magalhaes & P.H.Caetano Index
LC Classification : ‭P40‬‭.M858 2014‬
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