" Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing : "
edited by Jan Goossenaerts, Fumihiko Kimura, Hans Wortmann.
Document Type
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Main Entry
edited by Jan Goossenaerts, Fumihiko Kimura, Hans Wortmann.
Title & Author
Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing : : Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.3/WG5.7 international conference on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, DIISM '96 Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 15-18 September 1996\ edited by Jan Goossenaerts, Fumihiko Kimura, Hans Wortmann.
Publication Statement
Boston, MA: Springer US : Imprint : Springer, 1997
Series Statement
IFIP -- The International Federation for Information Processing
Page. NO
(XIV, 456 pages)
: 1475754752
: 9780387350639
: 9781475754759
One Keynote and Invited Papers --;1 Vehicle CALS --;a big challenge to virtual development --;2 Changes in the industrial environment and CALS --;3 Perspectives on manufacturing engineering software integration --;4 Trends in manufacturing control --;Two Modelling of Products, Processes and Systems --;5 Integration of product life cycle views on the basis of a shared conceptual information model --;6 CIMOSA process model for enterprise modeling --;7 A formal requirements engineering framework for CIM infrastructures reengineering --;8 A supporting enterprise infrastructure using STEP technologies --;9 On reference modelling of integrated manufacturing systems using OOA --;10 Metamodels for information system modeling in production environments --;11 Comparison of enterprise modelling methodologies --;12 Bottom-up modelling with CIMOSA --;13 Modelling and reorganizing of process chains using CIMOSA --;Three Integration Frameworks and Architectures --;14 The System Integration Architecture: a framework for extended enterprise information systems --;15 A model based approach to enterprise wide information support --;16 The Glue Logic: an integrated programming/execution environment for distributed manufacturing work-cell control system --;17 A framework for connecting work and information infrastructure --;18 An extensible reference model for data integration --;Four Information Infrastructure and Business Processes --;19 Value System Redesign: system oriented management and enterprise Integration in globally distributed manufacturing networks --;20 Confidence in a network of cooperating companies --;QM-documentation for certification --;21 Applying information technology to minimise risks in satisfying organisational needs --;22 Simulation supported business process performance assessment --;23 Key driven business reengineering --;How to get Reengineering more efficient and effective --;Five Information Infrastructure and Engineering Processes --;24 Generation of milling data in a virtual manufacturing framework --;25 Framework services for design data and design flow management --;26 The concept of a design and planning platform --;27 EXPRESS definition of vectorial tolerancing in product modeling --;Six Shop Floor Systems --;28 Shop floor systems integration reference frameworks & life-cycle support tools --;29 Multiprotocol Ethernets on the shop-floor --;30 Events in CIMOSA and the CCE platform --;31 Adaptable low cost shop-floor control system for Central and East European companies --;Seven Global Networks and Their Applications --;32 Information infrastructure services for small and medium size manufacturers: The MI2CI project --;33 Environmental information systems based on physical flows --;34 Strategies to develop a telemonitoring technology for machine tools via the World Wide Web --;Eight Towards Intelligent Manufacturing Systems --;35 Globeman 21: Enterprise integration for global manufacturing towards the 21st Century --;36 Next Generation Manufacturing Systems in the IMS program --;37 Holonic manufacturing systems --;38 GNOSIS: Knowledge systematization; configuration systems for design and manufacturing --;Index of contributors --;Keyword index.
On the verge of the global information society, enterprises are competing for markets that are becoming global and driven by customer demand, and where growing specialisation is pushing them to focus on core competencies and look for partnerships to provide products and services.
Computer Communication Networks.
LC Classification
TS155.A1E358 1997
Added Entry
Fumihiko Kimura
Hans Wortmann
Jan Goossenaerts
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