رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Multinationals in the New Europe and Global Trade "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 724161
Doc. No : b543880
Main Entry : Michael W Klein
Title & Author : Multinationals in the New Europe and Global Trade\ Michael W Klein
Publication Statement : Berlin: Springer, 2012
Page. NO : 281 s
ISBN : 3642769918
: : 3642769934
: : 9783642769917
: : 9783642769931
Contents : I Theoretical and Empirical Issues.- A. Internationalization of Production, Investment and European Integration: Free Trade in Goods, Technology and Assets?.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Trade and International Competition from a Dynamic Perspective.- 2.1 Links between Trade, Multinationality and Innovations.- 2.2 Trade in Goods, Technology and Assets: Stylized Facts.- 3. European Impulses for Global Competition and International Trade.- 3.1 Internationalization of Industry: A European Perspective.- 3.2 The Creation of the Single Market.- 3.2.1 Dynamic Aspects of EC 1992.- 3.2.2 Dumping Issues.- 3.2.3 EC Technology and Competition Policy.- 3.3 The Collapse of the East-West Antagonism in Europe.- 4. Free Trade in a Unifying World?.- 4.1 GATT Negotiations.- 4.2 Opening up East European CPEs.- 4.3 Prospects.- Comments.- B. Multinationals and Pricing to Market Behavior.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Theory.- 3. Specification, Data, Estimation, and Results.- 3.1 Specification.- 3.2 Data.- 3.3 Estimation.- 3.4 Pricing to Market in the Automobile Industry.- 4. Patterns of Production in the Automobile Industry.- 5. Conclusion.- Comments.- C. Foreign Direct Investment Outflow from the United States: An Empirical Assessment.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Overview of the Data.- 3. Determinants of FDI from the United States.- 4. Conclusion.- Comments.- D. Technology-Based Trade and Multinationals' Investment in Europe: Structural Change and Competition in Schumpeterian Goods.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Determinants of Comparative Advantage in High-Tech Industries.- 2.1 Product Cycle Models.- 2.2 Mobile and Immobile Schumpeter Industries.- 2.3 A Modified Product Cycle Model.- 3. Changing Patterns of Inter-Industry Trade.- 4. Summary.- Comments.- II. Multinationals in Action.- E. Foreign Direct Investments in Reforming CMEA Countries: Facts, Lessons and Perspectives.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Main Development Trends.- 2.1 Basic Figures.- 2.2 Expectations and Realities.- 3. Major Changes in the Environment of Foreign Direct Investment.- 3.1 The Legal and Institutional Framework.- 3.2 The Economic Environment of Foreign Direct Investment.- 3.3 Size of the Potential Market.- 4. Some Critical Areas and Attitudes.- 4.1 Treatment of Foreign Versus Domestic Investments.- 4.2 Adverse Impacts on the Balance of Payments?.- 4.3 Potential Markets: Industrialized World, USSR or Both?.- 4.4 Is Growing Dependence on FDI Dangerous?.- 5. Prospects and Tasks Ahead.- 5.1 Growing Interest in Central and Eastern Europe.- 5.2 Differentiated Approaches.- 5.2.1 Location Choices.- 5.2.2 Behavior of Potential Investors.- 5.3 Main Tasks Ahead.- 5.3.1 Tasks of the Host Countries.- 5.3.2 Western Contribution.- 5.4 The Political Scope.- Comments.- F. German Multinationals in Europe: Patterns and Perspectives.- 1. Introduction.- 2. German Multinational Enterprises: A Macro-Economic View.- 3. Regional Orientation of German FDI.- 4. German FDI by Industries.- 5. Case Studies: Daimler Benz and BASF.- 5.1 Globalization Strategies.- 5.2 Correlation between German FDI and International Turnover of DB and BASF.- 6. Internationalization of the Ruhr Region.- 7. Perspectives.- Comments.- G. The Effects of Integration on the Structure of Multinational Corporation Activity in the EC.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Technological and Organizational Advantages of Japanese Firms as a Determinant of their Involvement in Europe.- 3. The Likely Effects of Japanese Inward Direct Investment Post 1992.- 4. The Reorganization of MNC Activity within Europe.- 5. The Determinants of MNC Rationalization in the EC.- 6. The Industrial Impact of the Reorganization of Technological and Other Activity by MNCs in the EC.- 7. Third World MNCs in Europe.- Comments.- H. Japanese Multinationals in Europe and the United States: Some Comparisons and Contrasts.- 1. Introduction.- 2. A Theoretical Digression.- 3. The Role of Foreign Direct Investment by Japan Prior to the 1980s: A Brief Overview.- 4. Key FDI Strategies in Europe and the United States: Comparisons and Contrasts.- 4.1 1980-1984: Defending Current and Future Export Markets.- 4.2 Location Advantages in the United States and Europe.- 4.3 Summary and Conclusions: Why the Trade-Sustaining Investments of the Early 1980s were Unsustainable after 1985.- 5. 1985-1988: Transferring Existing O Advantages to Foreign Territories.- 5.1 Variables Triggering the Change.- 5.2 The Nature of the Changes: Same Sectors, Different Structures.- 5.3 Japanese O Advantages in Automobiles: A Brief Case Study.- 5.4 Moving Japanese O and I Advantages to the Foreign Marketplace.- 6. 1989 and Beyond: Creating New O Advantages as Regional Insiders.- 6.1 1988-1989: Europe Takes the Lead.- 6.2 Exploiting the L Advantages of Regional Markets.- 6.3 Exploiting the O Advantages of Local Firms.- 7. Conclusions - after 1990: Rising O Advantages of Japanese Multinationals, Falling L Advantages of Japan?.- Comments.
Abstract : After a decade of Eurosclerosis the EC is moving with renewed economic growth and increasing multinational investment toward a single European market under the heading "Project 1992".
LC Classification : ‭HD2844.5‬‭M534 2012‬
Added Entry : Michael W Klein
: Paul J J Welfens
کپی لینک

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