رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Dementia : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 724293
Doc. No : b544012
Main Entry : by B. Mahendra.
Title & Author : Dementia : : a survey of the syndrome of dementia\ by B. Mahendra.
Edition Statement : Second edition
Publication Statement : Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1987
Page. NO : (240 pages)
ISBN : 9400931832
: : 9789400931831
Contents : 1 Dementia: a brief history of the concept --;2 Dementia: general considerations --;3 The clinical features of the dementias --;4 Investigations in dementia --;a. Psychological testing --;b. The electroencephalogram in dementia --;c. Cerebral blood flow in dementia --;d. Imaging methods in dementia --;5 The pathology of dementia --;6 The management of the demented patient --;7 Dementia: epidemiological, social, legal and ethical considerations --;8 A pathography of dementia --;Appendix --;I: The clinical assessment of the patient suspected of being demented --;Appendix --;II: The investigation of the demented patient --;References --;Name Index.
Abstract : Three points must strike anyone who has embarked on a study of dementia over a period of time. Before we finished clerking on that Unit a visiting Professor of Psychiatry had demonstrated the reversibility of the symptoms of dementia in a patient with a rare metabolic disorder.
Subject : Medicine.
Subject : Neurology.
LC Classification : ‭RC524‬‭.B936 1987‬
Added Entry : B Mahendra
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