" Psychopathological and Neurological Dysfunctions Following Open-Heart Surgery "
edited by Robin Becker, Jeremy M. Katz, Michael-J. Polonius, Hubert Speidel.
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Main Entry
edited by Robin Becker, Jeremy M. Katz, Michael-J. Polonius, Hubert Speidel.
Title & Author
Psychopathological and Neurological Dysfunctions Following Open-Heart Surgery\ edited by Robin Becker, Jeremy M. Katz, Michael-J. Polonius, Hubert Speidel.
Publication Statement
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1982
: 3642686125
: 9783642686108
: 9783642686122
Session I Incidence and Description of Neurological and Psychiatric Complications Following Cardiac Surgery --;Early and Late Neurological Complications After Prosthetic Heart Valve Replacement --;Visual Disturbances After Open-Heart Surgery --;Psychotic Reactions in Patients After Open-Heart Surgery --;Incidence of Psychiatric and Neurological Complications After Cardiac Surgery --;Retrospective Versus Prospective Studies --;Sociopsychological Factors in Cardiac Surgery --;Psychiatric Complications Following Open-Heart Surgery : A Prospective Study --;Discussion of Session I (Summary) --;Session II Postoperative Neuropsychiatric Syndromes: Identification and Assessment --;The Psychopathology and Cognitive Disorder Syndrome (PCD) in Open-Heart Surgery Patients --;Brief Psychiatric Inventory for Assessment of Psychopathological Disorders After Open-Heart Surgery --;Hamburg Rating Scale for Psychic Disturbances --;HRPD --;Relationship Between Psychopathological Syndromes Before and After Open-Heart Surgery --;Discussion of Session II (Summary) --;Session III Organic Findings in Patients with Postoperative Neuropsychiatric Complications --;The Relative Importance of Psychic and Somatic Risk Factors for Postoperative Dysfunctions After Open-Heart Surgery --;Preliminary Results --;Early Psychic Disturbances After Open-Heart Surgery and Their Relationship to the Postoperative Clinical Course --;Computerized Electroencephalogram in Open-Heart Surgery: Prediction of Postoperative Psychical Complications --;Discussion of Session III (Summary) --;Session IV Clinical Approaches to the Psychological Care of the Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery --;Psychological Effects of Preoperative Doctor-Patient Communications --;Reactions to Illness: The Acute Phase The Interplay of Environmental Factors The Intensive Care Unit --;The Control of Anxiety by Hypnosis and Anxiolytics in Open-Heart Surgery --;Consultation-Liaison in Intensive Care Units --;Rehabilitation Following Open-Heart Surgery --;From a Surgeon's Point of View --;Characteristics of Postoperative Patient Education Programs For Open-Heart Surgery Patients in the United States --;Model of an Integrated Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Heart Surgery Patient --;Discussion of Session IV (Summary) --;Session V Neuropsychological Considerations in the Care and Treatment of Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery --;Cardiac Surgery in Infancy Using Profound Hypothermia and Circulatory Arrest: Late Developmental Progress --;Psychiatric Complications in Children After Open-Heart Surgery --;Comparison of Personality and Social Development After Heart Surgery Using Profound Hypothermia, Normothermia Perfusion, and Cardioplegia in Children --;Chronic 'Life-Threatening' Illness in Childhood and Adolescence: Developmental, Cognitive and Psychotherapeutic Considerations in the Care of Children Facing Open-Heart Surgery -Selected Israeli Experience --;Discussion of Session V (Summary) --;Session VI Postsurgical Adaptation: Issues and Experience --;Recovery After Major Heart Surgery: Medical, Psychological, and Work Outcomes --;Psychosocial Situation of the Open-Heart Surgery Patient One Year After Operation --;Relationship Between Preoperative Coping Styles, Immediate Postoperative Reactions and Some Aspects of the Psychosocial Situation of Open-Heart Surgery Patients One Year After the Operation --;Psychological and Behavioral Responses Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery --;Effects of Environmental Stress upon the Long-term Outcome of Open-Heart Surgery: A Five-Year Follow-up Study --;Discussion of Session VI (Summary) --;Session VII General Psychological Issues --;Achievement Motivation After Chronic Disease --;The Fantasy of Resurrection and Rebirth in Cardiac Surgery Patients --;Psychodynamic Considerations and Findings About Patient Adjustment to Heart Operations --;Patients' Fear of Cardiosurgery and Its Significance for the Pre-and Postoperative State --;Discussion of Session VII (Summary) --;Session VIII Influence of Surgical Technique on Postoperative Neuropsychiatric Complications --;Intracranial Hemorrhage and Hematoma Following Open-Heart Surgery --;Focal Neurological Lesions and Diffuse Organic Brain Damage in Open-Heart Surgery Patients. Postoperative Thrombocytosis and Platelet Aggregation --;A Possible Aetiological Factor in the Causation of Organic Brain Dysfunction --;Comparison of Psychometric Findings Following Use of Bubble and Membrane Oxygenator --;Prevention of Postoperative Psychic and Neurological Disturbances After Open-Heart Surgery Using Prostacyclin: A Clinical Study --;The Effects of Prostacylin on Reducing Cerebral Damage Following Open-Heart Surgery --;Improved Cerebral Protection During Open-Heart Surgery. A Psychometric Investigation on 339 Patients --;Microembolization Due to Microbubbles Released from the Oxygenator --;Effect of Pulsatile Flow and Arterial Line Filtration on Cerebral Cellular Damage During Open-Heart Surgery --;Discussion of Session VIII (Summary) --;Final Panel Discussion --;The International Study: A Course for the Future --;In Memoriam: Professor Robin D. Becker.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Psychopathological and Neurological Dysfunction Following Open-Heart Surgery, Milwaukee, USA
LC Classification
RD598.E358 1982
Added Entry
Hubert Speidel
Jeremy M Katz
Michael-J Polonius
Robin Becker
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Psychopathological and Neurological Dysfunction Following Open-Heart Surgery, Milwaukee, USA
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