" Multiple Organ Failure : "
Arthur E Baue
Document Type
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Arthur E Baue
Title & Author
Multiple Organ Failure : : Pathophysiology, Prevention, and Therapy.\ Arthur E Baue
Publication Statement
New York: Springer New York, 2000
Page. NO
(722 pages)
: 9781461212225
41 Stress Gastritis: Is It a Disappearing Disease?
Multiple Organ Failure; Copyright; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Part I Development of SIRS, MODS, and MOF; 1 History of MOF and Definitions of Organ Failure; 2 SIRS, MODS, and the Brave New World of ICU Acronyms: Have They Helped Us?; 3 Systemic Inflammatory Response and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome: Biologic Domino Effect; 4 Risk Factors for MOF and Pattern of Organ Failure Following Severe Trauma; 5 Risk and Setting for Multiple Organ Failure in Medical Patients; 6 Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Outcome of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in Surgical Patients. Part II Mechanisms of SIRS and Organ Failure7 Systemic Inflammation After Trauma, Infection, and Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Is Autodestruction a Necessary Evil?; 8 Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Cardiac Surgery: An Inflammatory Event: Can It Be Modulated?; 9 Gut: Clinical Importance of Bacterial Translocation, Permeability, and Other Factors; 10 Microcirculatory Arrest Theory of SIRS and MODS; 11 Infection, Bacteremia, Sepsis, and the Sepsis Syndrome: Metabolic Alterations, Hypermetabolism, and Cellular Alterations; 12 Ischemia and Reperfusion as a Cause of Multiple Organ Failure. 13 Endotoxin in Human Disease and Its Endogenous Control14 Untimely Apoptosis in Human SIRS, Sepsis, and MODS; 15 Immunosuppression with Injury and Operation and Increased Susceptibility to Infection; Part III Mediators and Effectors; 16 Emerging Evidence of a More Complex Role for Proinflammatory and Antiinflammatory Cytokines in the Sepsis Response; 17 Counterregulation of Severe Inflammation: When More Is Too Much and Less Is Inadequate; 18 Reactive Oxygen Species in Clinical Practice; 19 Nitric Oxide as a Modulator of Sepsis: Therapeutic Possibilities; 20 Mast Cells; 21 Eicosanoids. 22 Platelet-Activating Factor23 Therapeutic Complement Inhibition; 24 Leukocyte-Endothelial Cell Interactions: Review of Adhesion Molecules and Their Role in Organ Injury; Part IV Prevention and General Therapy; 25 Care of Injured Patients in the Field, During Transport, and in the Emergency Department; 26 Intensive Care Monitoring; 27 Peritonitis: Management of the Patient with SIRS and MODS; 28 Hypothermia-Coagulopathy-Acidosis Syndrome: When to Operate/When to Stop Operating; 29 Early Definitive Fracture Fixation with Polytrauma: Advantages Versus Systemic/Pulmonary Consequences. 30 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome31 SIRS and MODS: Indications for Surgical Intervention?; 32 Nosocomial Infections in the ICU; 33 Modulation of the Hypermetabolic Response After Trauma and Burns; Part V Specific Remote Organ Failures; 34 Circulation; 35 Effect of Inflammatory Conditions on the Heart; 36 Lung; 37 Renal Function and Dysfunction in Multiple Organ Failure; 38 Metabolic Depletion and Failure: Muscle Cachexia During Injury and Sepsis; 39 Immunomodulation of Cell-Mediated Responses: Is It Feasible?; 40 Central Nervous System Failure: Neurotrauma Trials.
LC Classification
RB150.M84A784 2000
Added Entry
Arthur E Baue
Donald E Fry
Eugen Faist
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