رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" A quick guide to health and safety "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 727840
Doc. No : b547576
Main Entry : R. Gilbert ; series editor, Clifford Matthews.
Title & Author : A quick guide to health and safety\ R. Gilbert ; series editor, Clifford Matthews.
Publication Statement : Cambridge, England: Woodhead Pub. and Matthews Engineering Training Ltd., 2008
Series Statement : Quick guide
Page. NO : xxii, 169 pages : illustrations ; 17 cm.
ISBN : 1845694996
: : 1845695003
: : 9781845694999
: : 9781845695002
Contents : The Quick Guide SeriesInvitation to New AuthorsIntroductionYour 10 Minute A-Z Guide to Health and SafetyChapter 1: Health and Safety Legislation - How Much is There? Publisher Summary1.1 Some of the other legislation1.2 Other sources of informationChapter 2: Enforcement and the Legal Situation Publisher Summary2.1 Who enforces the laws and regulations?2.2 What is the purpose of enforcement and how is it done?2.3 Provision of information and advice2.4 Proportionality (action proportional to the risk)2.5 Improvement notices and prohibition notices - what are they?2.6 Reasonably practicable - what does this mean?2.7 Who will receive the most attention from enforcing authorities?Chapter 3: Health and Safety ... so What Business are You in? Publisher Summary3.1 Business survival3.2 Good H&S should be good business3.3 As well as hurting people, accidents and injuries cost the business3.4 If you think training is expensive - try ignorance3.5 What are the most common accidents and causes of injury?Chapter 4: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act) and What it Means Publisher Summary4.1 Basic concepts and duties4.2 Duties of employers to employees4.3 Duties of employers (and self-employed) to others4.4 Duties of employees4.5 Consultation with employees4.6 Duties to provide safety equipment or PPE4.7 Duties of manufacturers4.8 Powers given to the enforcing authorities4.9 What does 'at work' mean?4.10 Management of H&S regulations - what are they?Chapter 5: Risks and Risk Assessments - What are They? Publisher Summary5.1 Everyday risks5.2 Risk - what do we mean?5.3 Risk assessments - what are they?Chapter 6: Health, Safety and Welfare Requirements in the Workplace Publisher Summary6.1 What are the applicable regulations?6.2 What is a workplace?6.3 The regulations and what they require you to do6.4 Brief summary of the Construction Workplace Regulations6.5 Enforcement6.6 Regular tours of the workplaceChapter 7: Machinery and Other Work Equipment Publisher Summary7.1 What are the main regulations with which you have to comply?7.2 What equipment is covered by these regulations?7.3 How do you know that machines and equipment you buy are safe?7.4 What do I have to maintain and inspect?7.5 Instruction and training for use and safety7.6 Stopping equipment and emergency stops7.7 Guards and guarding7.8 What to do about cleaning and maintenanceChapter 8: Pressure Plant and Equipment Publisher Summary8.1 What is pressure plant and equipment?8.2 What is a relevant fluid?8.3 Do the PSSR (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations) apply to me?8.4 What do I have to do to comply with the regulations?8.5 What is meant by safe operating limits?8.6 What is a written scheme of examination?8.7 Who is a competent person?Chapter 9: Lifting and Handling Publisher Summary9.1 Manual handling regulations9.2 General guidelines for lifting, pushing and pulling9.3 What to consider in a risk assessment and who does it?9.4 Manual handling training and instruction9.5 What about lifting equipment?Chapter 10: Noise Publisher Summary10.1 Noise at work10.2 The regulations (the law) and what you have to do10.3 Assessment of risk from noise and reduction of noise levels10.4 Hearing protection and warning signs10.5 Information and training10.6 Health surveillanceChapter 11: Hazardous Substances Publisher Summary11.1 What is COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)?11.2 Which substances are hazardous to health?11.3 If you have hazardous substances - what next?11.4 Summary and conclusionChapter 12: Electricity Publisher Summary12.1 Working with electricity12.2 Which regulations do I have to comply with?12.3 A summary of the main requirements and duties for users/owners12.4 Employers' duties for work 'within their control'12.5 What to do about portable equipment12.6 What to do about isolations12.7 Some good practicesChapter 13: Working at Height Publisher Summary13.1 The general situation and current regulations13.2 What is work at height?13.3 The main requirements of the regulations13.4 What to do about working from ladders13.5 What to do about fragile roofs13.6 What to do about scaffolds and mobile access towers13.7 What to do about falling objectsChapter 14: VDUs Publisher Summary14.1 Overview14.2 The regulations14.3 Do the VDU regulations apply to me?14.4 What you have to do to comply with the regulations14.5 Eye tests and provision of spectacles (required by Regulation 5)14.6 Provision of information and training (required by Regulation 6)14.7 EnforcementChapter 15: What to do About Protecting Employees Publisher Summary15.1 First aid15.2 Personal protective equipment15.3 Working alone (lone working)15.4 Emergency plans (like the fire drills)Chapter 16: Other Health and Safety Matters Publisher Summary16.1 Slips, trips and falls16.2 Permits to work and lock off16.3 Shift handover - do you have one?16.4 Working in confined spaces - this is serious16.5 RIDDOR and accident and injury reporting16.6 Employee training records16.7 Employee consultation on H&S matters16.8 Other regulationsChapter 17: Will You be Prosecuted? Publisher Summary17.1 Investigation and the decision to prosecute17.2 What events will trigger a prosecution?17.3 Some examples of prosecutions17.4 Prosecution under The Health and Safety at Work Act or other regulations17.5 Who will prosecute?17.6 What are the penalties?ReferencesIndex
Subject : Great Britain. -- Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974.
Subject : Industrial hygiene -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain.
Subject : Industrial safety -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain.
LC Classification : ‭KD3168‬‭.R455 2008‬
Added Entry : R Gilbert
Parallel Title : Health and safety
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