رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Expert systems and decision support in medicine : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 727943
Doc. No : b547680
Main Entry : O. Rienhoff ... (eds.).
Title & Author : Expert systems and decision support in medicine : : 33rd annual meeting of the GMDS, EFMI special topic meeting, Peter L. Reichertz Memorial Conference [on Expert Systems and Decision Support in Medicine], Hannover, september 26-29, 1988 ; proceedings\ O. Rienhoff ... (eds.).
Publication Statement : Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, 1988
Series Statement : Lecture notes in medical informatics, 36.
Page. NO : XII, 591 Seiten : Diagramme.
ISBN : 038750317X
: : 354050317X
: : 9780387503172
: : 9783540503170
Contents : and Memorial Session.- Decision Support in Medicine Comparative Methodology and Impact on the Medical Curriculum.- Special Topic Contributions.- Decision Support in Western Clinical Medicine.- Medical Practice - Decision Making: A Logical Model.- New Decision Support Concepts for the Pharmacy Application in the HELP System.- ROPES - A Rule-Based Outpatient Expert System.- DIACONS - A Consultation System to Assist in the Management of Diabetes.- Using Default Reasoning to Find Interactions of Drugs.- Decision Support for Cardiac Care Unit Admission - Evaluation of Methodological Approaches in Relation to Clinical Applicability.- MESSE - A Medical Expert System of Special Examinations.- Decision Support System in Oncology.- A Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer.- Medical Diagnosis by Negotiation Amongst Experts.- Aiding Medical Inferences by the Relational Rules Acquired from Medical Experts; Consultation System for Use in a Gynecologic Out-Patient Clinic.- Decision Support in Traditional Chinese Medicine.- Principles of Developing Expert Systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine.- Computer Simulation System on Diagnosing and Treating Hypertension by Traditional Chinese Medicine Associated with Modern Medicine.- An Expert System for Diagnosing and Treating Ectopic Pregnancy with Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines.- Knowledge-Based Systems and Statistical Decision Support.- Statistical Reasoning and Learning in Knowledge-bases Represented as Causal Networks.- The Use of the Diagnostic Paradigm in Modelling Medical Decision Making.- The Computer-Aided Differential Diagnosis of Diseases of the Urinary Tract in Children.- Qualitative Modelling in Vascular Surgery.- Statistical Approach to the Acute Abdomen Diagnosis in Children.- A Probabilistic Approach to Health Care Delivery in Tropical Africa.- A New Approach to the Solution of Decision Making Problems in Medical Expert Systems.- Computer-Assisted Construction of Conceptual Frameworks for Health Systems Research.- Clinical Studies and Decision Support.- A Strategy for Identifying Clusters of Similar Response.- Error Rate Estimation in Discriminant Analysis in the Presence of Variable Selection.- Assessment of the Diagnostic Importance of BAL-Fluid Values with ROC-Curves.- Scoring Systems and Computer-Aided Prognosis in Patients with Bleeding Oesophageal or Gastric Varices.- On the Use of Statistical Expert Systems for Supporting Quality Assurance in Analysis of Clinical Trials.- Informatics as Applied to Expert Systems.- An Expert System for Interpretation and Diagnosis of ECG Signals.- An Expert System for Genetic Counseling.- MECOS-2: An Artificial Intelligence Tool System for Developing Medical Expert Systems in Various Subjects.- Diagnostic Expert Systems in Neurology - A Comparison between a Rule Based Prototype and a Database Oriented Approach.- Prediction of MSOF Evolution by Means of Nine Vital Systems Trajectories.- An Expert System for Cardiopulmonary Diseases in Primary Health Care.- Experiences with Expert Systems.- Knowledge-Based Decision Support for Laryngeal Tumor Diseases: Design and Structure of the ESTHER System.- An Expert System for Diagnosis and Therapy Planning in Patients with Ovarian Cancer.- Electrolyte and Haemostasis Test Interpretation by Expert Systems on Microcomputer in Medical Laboratory.- Representation of Neuroanatomical Knowledge by PROLOG.- Knowledge-Based Decision Support for Monitoring in Anesthesia: Problems, Design and User Interaction.- Shock Trauma Manual Computer Consultation Expert System.- An Expert System for Medical Evacuations.- A Computer Oriented Diagnosis of Acute Renal Failure in the Critically III Patient.- Decision Support in Medical Management of Personnel Resources: Duty Roster in an Anesthesiologic Department.- Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Experience with Knowledge Based Methods.- A Commonly Used Expert System of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).- On the Assessment of Medical Expert Systems.- Data Bases and Expert Systems.- PBASE: A Prolog BASEd Query Language.- Case Description and Case Retrieval on Time Oriented Patient Data.- ARTEL: An Expert System in Hypertension for the General Practitioner.- Computer Assisted Generation of Heuristic Rules in the Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias.- A Background Knowledge Base to Assist Coding of Medical Documents.- DES: A Domain Independent Expert System Running on a Microcomputer: Diagnostic of Thyroid Disorders.- Extraction of Knowledge from a Database.- A Computer-Based Reference System for Medical Diagnosis.- Knowledge Acquisition for Scheme-Based Medical Expert Systems: The Dysmorphic Syndrome Example.- Evaluation and Measuring of Benefit of an Expert System for Differential Diagnosis in Rheumatology.- POSCH Experience Integrating Expert Systems and Clinical Data Analyses.- Future Trends and Possibilities.- Status of and Research Needs for Expert Systems in Medicine.- Statistics, Modelling, Operational Research, Decision-Making and Expert Systems in the Public Health Control of Infectious Diseases.- Expert System Knowledge Transfer.- Philosophical Considerations about the Illusions and Delusions of Informatics in Health and Medicine.- Free Contributions.- Statistical and Laboratory Animals Methods / Statistische und Tierexperimentelle Verfahren.- Estimation of the Confidence Interval of a Rate and the Choice of Sample Size / Konfidenzbereichsschatzungen einer Rate und Wahl der Stichprobengrosse.- Sensitivity of the Multi-Process Kalman Filter for Renal Transplant Monitoring / Sensitivitat des Multi-Process Kalman-Filter fur das Uberwachen von Nierentransplantat-Patienten.- Experiences with Explorative and Confirmative Evaluations of a Prospective Study on Gravidity / Erfahrungen mit explorativen und konfirmativen Auswertungen einer prospektiven Schwangerschaftsstudie.- Methods of Estimation of Cancer Prevalence in the F.R.
: of Germany / Methoden der Pravalenzschatzung von Krebserkrankungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.- Computer Simulation of the Kinetics of Labelled Cells in the Intestinal Tract / Computersimulation der Kinetik von markierten Zellen im Darmepithel.- Monitoring and Securing Data Quality in Multicentre Clinical Trials / Die Uberwachung und Sicherung der Datenqualitat bei multizentrischen klinischen Studien.- Skewness and Kurtosis of the Distribution of Body Weight in Artificial Populations of Laboratory Rats / Schiefe und Wolbung der Verteilung der Korpergewichte in Kunstpopulationen von Laboratoriumsratten.- Medical Documentation and Information Systems / Medizinische Dokumentations- und Informationssysteme.- Advantages and Disadvantages of Decentrai Documentation Systems / Gewinn und Gefahren dezentraler Dokumentationssysteme.- Computerized Textstring Standardization in the Medical Basic Documentation / Computerunterstutzte Textstandardisierung in der medizinischen Basisdokumentation.- Syntax Analysis of Cytopathological Summaries / Syntaktische Analyse zytopathologischer Beurteilungstexte.- A Knowledge-Based System for Interactive Medical Diagnosis Encoding / Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Verschlu A Comparison between a Rule Based Prototype and a Database Oriented Approach.- Prediction of MSOF Evolution by Means of Nine Vital Systems Trajectories.- An Expert System for Cardiopulmonary Diseases in Primary Health Care.- Experiences with Expert Systems.- Knowledge-Based Decision Support for Laryngeal Tumor Diseases: Design and Structure of the ESTHER System.- An Expert System for Diagnosis and Therapy Planning in Patients with Ovarian Cancer.- Electrolyte and Haemostasis Test Interpretation by Expert Systems on Microcomputer in Medical Laboratory.- Representation of Neuroanatomical Knowledge by PROLOG.- Knowledge-Based Decision Support for Monitoring in Anesthesia: Problems, Design and User Interaction.- Shock Trauma Manual Computer Consultation Expert System.- An Expert System for Medical Evacuations.- A Computer Oriented Diagnosis of Acute Renal Failure in the Critically III Patient.- Decision Support in Medical Management of Personnel Resources: Duty Roster in an Anesthesiologic Department.- Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Experience with Knowledge Based Methods.- A Commonly Used Expert System of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).- On the Assessment of Medical Expert Systems.- Data Bases and Expert Systems.- PBASE: A Prolog BASEd Query Language.- Case Description and Case Retrieval on Time Oriented Patient Data.- ARTEL: An Expert System in Hypertension for the General Practitioner.- Computer Assisted Generation of Heuristic Rules in the Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias.- A Background Knowledge Base to Assist Coding of Medical Documents.- DES: A Domain Independent Expert System Running on a Microcomputer: Diagnostic of Thyroid Disorders.- Extraction of Knowledge from a Database.- A Computer-Based Reference System for Medical Diagnosis.- Knowledge Acquisition for Scheme-Based Medical Expert Systems: The Dysmorphic Syndrome Example.- Evaluation and Measuring of Benefit of an Expert System for Differential Diagnosis in Rheumatology.- POSCH Experience Integrating Expert Systems and Clinical Data Analyses.- Future Trends and Possibilities.- Status of and Research Needs for Expert Systems in Medicine.- Statistics, Modelling, Operational Research, Decision-Making and Expert Systems in the Public Health Control of Infectious Diseases.- Expert System Knowledge Transfer.- Philosophical Considerations about the Illusions and Delusions of Informatics in Health and Medicine.- Free Contributions.- Statistical and Laboratory Animals Methods / Statistische und Tierexperimentelle Verfahren.- Estimation of the Confidence Interval of a Rate and the Choice of Sample Size / Konfidenzbereichsschatzungen einer Rate und Wahl der Stichprobengrosse.- Sensitivity of the Multi-Process Kalman Filter for Renal Transplant Monitoring / Sensitivitat des Multi-Process Kalman-Filter fur das Uberwachen von Nierentransplantat-Patienten.- Experiences with Explorative and Confirmative Evaluations of a Prospective Study on Gravidity / Erfahrungen mit explorativen und konfirmativen Auswertungen einer prospektiven Schwangerschaftsstudie.- Methods of Estimation of Cancer Prevalence in the F.R. of Germany / Methoden der Pravalenzschatzung von Krebserkrankungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.- Computer Simulation of the Kinetics of Labelled Cells in the Intestinal Tract / Computersimulation der Kinetik von markierten Zellen im Darmepithel.- Monitoring and Securing Data Quality in Multicentre Clinical Trials / Die Uberwachung und Sicherung der Datenqualitat bei multizentrischen klinischen Studien.- Skewness and Kurtosis of the Distribution of Body Weight in Artificial Populations of Laboratory Rats / Schiefe und Wolbung der Verteilung der Korpergewichte in Kunstpopulationen von Laboratoriumsratten.- Medical Documentation and Information Systems / Medizinische Dokumentations- und Informationssysteme.- Advantages and Disadvantages of Decentrai Documentation Systems / Gewinn und Gefahren dezentraler Dokumentationssysteme.- Computerized Textstring Standardization in the Medical Basic Documentation / Computerunterstutzte Textstandardisierung in der medizinischen Basisdokumentation.- Syntax Analysis of Cytopathological Summaries / Syntaktische Analyse zytopathologischer Beurteilungstexte.- A Knowledge-Based System for Interactive Medical Diagnosis Encoding / Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Verschlusselung naturlichsprachiger medizinischer Diagnosen.- Knowledge-based Indexing of Medical Phrases on the Basis of SNOMED: Methodological Considerations and the Realisation of EIDOS / Wissensbasiertes Indexieren von medizinischen Phrasen auf der Basis von SNOMED: Methodik und Realisation von EIDOS.- Managing the Evolution of an Integrated Hospital Infomation System by Using Efficient Concepts, Methods and Tools / Zur Evolution eines integrierten Krankenhausinformations- und Kommunikationssystems unter Verwendung leistungsfahiger informationstechnischer Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge.- Decentralized Medical Documentation on Smart-Cards for Hemophiliacs / Dezentrale Dokumentation mit Chip-Karten am Beispiel einer Bluterambulanz.- Diagnosis-related Patient Categories in Ophthalmology / Krankheitsarten bezogene Patientenkategorien der Augenerkrankungen.- Knowledge-based Structural Components of Laboratory Information Systems / Strukturkomponenten zur Plausibilitatsbeurteilung in Laborinformationssystemen.- An Entity-Relationship-Model to Formalize the Structure of Data in a Medical Laboratory / Ein Entity-Relationship-Modell zur Formalisierung der Datenstruktur im Medizinischen Laboratorium.- Semi-Antomatical Encoding of Medical Diagnoses by Non-Professionals.
: / Ein halbautomatisches Verfahren zu Verschlusselung medizinischer Fachbegriffe durch nicht-arztliches Personal.- Systems for Intensive Care Medicine / Rechnergestutzte Intensivpflege.- Development and Experience with a Therapy-Supportive Documentation System for Intensive Care Units / Entwicklung und Erfahrungen mit einem Therapieunterstutzungs- und Dokumentationssystem fur die Intensivmedizin.- INTENSIV - a Knowledge-based System for Intensive Care Units / INTENSIV - ein wissepsbasiertes System fur die Intensivstation.- A Departemental Information System to Support Liver Transplantation / Ein departementelles Informationssystem zur Unterstutzung der Lebertranspplantation.- Bayes Classifiers in Medical Decision Support in Cardiosurgery Intensive Care Unit / Klassifizierung mit Hilfe Bayes'scher Methoden bei der medizinischen Entscheidungsunterstutzung auf der herzchirurgischen Intensivstation.- Image Processing / Bildverarbeitung.- Computer-Assisted Radiology: RIS/PACS Attempts at Definition and Questions of Interfacing / Computergestutzte Radiologie (RIS/PACS) - Definitionsversuche und Fragen zur Koppelung.- PC-aided Morphometry of Nerve Fibers / PC-unterstutzte Morphometrie von Nervenbiopsien.- Measurement and Analysis of Average Data Volumes of Different Imaging Modalities / Erhebung und Analyse von durchschnittlichen Datenvolumen am Beispiel verschiedener bildgebender Systeme.- An Environment for Knowledge-based Image Analysis in APL2 / Eine Entwicklungsumgebung fur die wissensbasierte Bildanalyse in APL2.- Knowledgesbased Diagnosis Support Software System (RAMSES) for Tissue Characterizing with Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Wissensbasiertes Software-System (RAMSES) zur Diagnoseunterstutzung in der gewebecharakterisierenden Kernspintomographie.- Pseudo-Color-Representation of Regional Organ Transfusion / Graphische Darstellung der regionalen Organdurchblutung.- Software - Demonstration.- DES: A Knowledge Based Expert System Shell as a Diagnostic Tool in Medicine.- ExTra - Expert System for Diagnoses of Complications after Kidney Transplantation.- A German Version of the HELP System.- Knowledge Based System for Diagnosing Anemia.- ADS: A System to codify Semi-Automatically Medical Diagnoses.- BMDP-5V Incomplete Repeated Measures ANOVA with Alternative Covariance Matrix Structures.- 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Anatomic Objects.- ESTHER, an Expert System for Therapy Support for Laryngeal Tumours.- The Software-Package DEDUC for Cognitive Systems Analysis.- EIDOS, an Expert System for Automated Indexing on the Basis of SNOMED.- Problem of Qualitative Changes in the Time Course of Chronic Disease.- Pharmaco - and Cell Kinetic Simulation of Combination Therapy with Several Cytostatic Drugs.- SCREECON: Clinical Expert Consultation System for the Therapeutical Management of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease.- Reporting on Test Results with Pro. M.D..- SMA Scholz-MEDIS-Drug Information System.- PRIME-MED: A New Software Product for Support in Treatment, Progress Notes and Documentation Activities in Hospitals and Clinics.- DIAMON - An Expert System to Assist in the Therapy of Diabetes.- Computer Assisted Diagnosis.- INTENSIV - a Knowledge Based System for Intensive Care Units.- Author Index.
LC Classification : ‭R859.7.D42‬‭O754 1988‬
Added Entry : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Dokumentation, Informatik und Statistik.
: Otto Rienhoff
: Peter L. Reichertz Memorial Conference. 1988, Hannover.
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