" Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa "
edited by M.J.A. Werger.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by M.J.A. Werger.
Title & Author
Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa\ edited by M.J.A. Werger.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1978
Series Statement
Monographiae biologicae, 31.
Page. NO
(1455 pages)
: 9400999534
: 9789400999510
: 9789400999534
Environment, present and past --;1 The geomorphology of central and southern Africa --;2 Climatic indices and classifications in relation to the biogeography of southern Africa --;3 Rainfall changes over South Africa during the period of meteorological record --;4 Schematic soil map of southern Africa south of latitude 16° 30'S --;5 Late Cretaceous and Tertiary vegetation history of Africa --;6 Quaternary vegetation changes in southern Africa --;Biogeography and ecology --;7 Biogeographical division of southern Africa --;8 Capensis --;9 The Karoo-Namib Region --;10 The Sudano-Zambezian Region --;11 The Afromontane Region --;12 The Afro-alpine Region --;13 The Indian Ocean Coastal Belt --;14 The Guineo--Congolian transition to southern Africa --;15 Primary production ecology in southern Africa --;16 Megadrilacea (Oligochaeta) --;17 Onychophora --;18 Arachnida (except Acari) --;19 Acari, by Magdalena --;20 Myriapoda --;21 Odonata --;22 Orthoptera --;23 Isoptera --;24 Lepidoptera --;25 Diptera --;26 Coleoptera --;27 Hymenoptera --;28 Land mollusks --;29 The Herpetofauna --;30 Birds --;31 Mammals --;32 Patterns of man-land relations --;Biogeography and ecology of special habitats --;33 Freshwater plants --;34 Freshwater invertebrates (except molluscs) --;35 Freshwater molluscs --;36 Freshwater fishes --;37 Mangrove communities --;38 Coastal marine habitats --;39 High termitaria --;40 The vegetation of heavy metal and other toxic soils --;Conservation --;41. Ecosystem conservation in southern Africa --;Systematic index.
This is illustrated, for example, in such works as the Flora of Southern Africa, where the northern boundary of the area is conceived as the northern and eastern political boundaries of South West Africa, South Africa and Swaziland.
Life sciences.
Added Entry
M J A Werger
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