" Quality of Life in South Africa "
edited by Valerie Møller.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Valerie Møller.
Title & Author
Quality of Life in South Africa\ edited by Valerie Møller.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997
Series Statement
Social indicators research series, 1.
Page. NO
(vi, 305 pages)
: 9789400914797
Editorial: South Africa's Emergent `Social Indicators Movement'; V. Moller. The Shape of South African Society and its Challenges; L. Schlemmer, V. Moller. Poverty, Inequality and Deprivation in South Africa: An Analysis of the 1993 Saldru Survey; S. Klasen. `A Difficult Life': The Perceptions and Experience of Poverty in South Africa; J. May, A. Norton. Inequality in South Africa: Findings from the 1994 October Household Survey; R. Hirschowitz, M. Orkin. Surviving the Transition: Trends and Perceptions of Crime in South Africa; A. Louw. Trauma and Mental Health in South Africa; R. Hirschowitz, M. Orkin. The Reconstruction and Development Programme: Success or Failure? C.K. Corder. Personal versus Collective Quality of Life and South Africans'Evaluations of Democratic Government; R. Mattes, J. Christie. Aspect of the Quality of Life in Black Townships in a South African City: Implications for Human Development; E. Beukes, A. van der Colff. Playing Numbers or Politics? Approaches to the Prioritisation of Development Needs in South Africa; P. Gill, P. Hall. Monitoring Optimism in South Africa; M. Harris. Index of Authors Volume 41, 1997.
South Africa's peaceful transition to democracy has gained it world recognition. Sixteen social scientists, experts in fields as wide-ranging as economics, politics, and development planning, have compiled a social report on South Africa two years into democracy.
Endogenous growth (Economics)
Quality of life.
LC Classification
HN801.A85E358 1997
Added Entry
Valerie Møller
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