" Analysis and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems "
edited by Stanley B. Gershwin, Yves Dallery, Chrissoleon T. Papadopoulos, J. MacGregor Smith.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Stanley B. Gershwin, Yves Dallery, Chrissoleon T. Papadopoulos, J. MacGregor Smith.
Title & Author
Analysis and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems\ edited by Stanley B. Gershwin, Yves Dallery, Chrissoleon T. Papadopoulos, J. MacGregor Smith.
Publication Statement
Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003
Series Statement
International series in operations research & management science, 60.
Page. NO
(xxiii, 429 pages)
: 9781461510192
1 Capacitated Two-Echelon Inventory Models for Repairable Item Systems --;1 Introduction --;2 Analysis of a simple two-echelon system with central repair --;3 General capacitated two-echelon repairable item systems --;4 Optimization --;5 Summary --;2 Distribution Resource Planning Systems: A Critique and Enhancement --;1 Introduction --;2 How Does DRP Work? --;3 Improved Projections: Lot-for-Lot Rule --;4 The (S, s) Inventory System --;5 Improved Projections: Dynamic (S, s) Rule --;6 Numerical Examples --;7 Concluding Remarks --;8 Appendix: Setting Safety Stock Levels --;3 Process Adjustment for Assemblies --;1 Single Tool Adjustment with Uncertainty --;2 Combined Policy for Adjustment of Two Tools --;3 Conclusion --;4 Exact Analysis of a Continuous Material Merge System with Limited Buffer Capacity and Three Stations --;1 Introduction --;2 Derivation of Transition Equations --;3 Numerical Results --;4 Conclusion --;Appendix: Details of the Derivation and the Algorithm --;5 Optimal scheduling for piecewise deterministic Multi-Armed Bandit Problem --;1 Introduction --;2 Classical Multi-armed Bandit problems. A brief overview. --;3 Optimal stopping for piecewise deterministic processes. --;4 Illustration for the manufacturing context --;5 Conclusion and perspectives --;6 Production Planning for Short Life-Cycle Products in Consideration of Clearance Sale --;1 Introduction --;2 Numerical formulae --;3 Numerical example --;4 Conclusions --;7 Analysis of Automated Flow Line Systems with Repair Crew Interference --;1 Model of the production and repair system --;2 Iterative solution procedure --;3 Integrative solution approach --;4 Results --;8 Performance Evaluation of Production Lines with Random Processing Times, Multiple Failure Modes and Finite Buffer Capacity --;Part I: The Building Block --;1 Introduction --;2 Model Description and Assumptions --;3 Numerical Results --;4 Conclusions --;Appendix: Transient States --;Appendix: Roots of the polynomial are real --;Appendix: Solution of Internal Equations Implies CR = 0 --;9 Performance Evaluation of Production Lines with Random Processing Times, Multiple Failure Modes and Finite Buffer Capacity --;Part II: The Decomposition --;1 Introduction --;2 Model Description and Assumptions --;3 Machine Behavior --;4 Performance Measures --;5 Outline of the Method --;6 Decomposition Equations --;7 Numerical Results --;8 Conclusions --;10 Due-time Performance of Production Systems with Markovian Machines --;1 Motivation --;2 Problem Formulation --;3 Production Rate Evaluation --;4 DTP Calculation --;5 Structural Properties --;6 Conclusions --;Appendix: Proofs --;11 Analysis of Two-Valve Fluid-Flow Systems with General Repair Times --;1 Introduction --;2 The Model --;3 Solution Approach --;4 Model Verification --;5 Impact of Repair Time Variability --;6 Conclusion --;12 Stochastic Lead Time Models for Supply Chain Networks --;1 Supply Chain Networks --;2 Lead Time Models --;3 Lead Time Models for Performance Analysis --;4 Generalized Queueing Network Models --;5 Conclusions --;13 Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Base-Stock Controlled Assem-bly Systems --;1 Introduction --;2 Base-Stock Controlled Assembly Systems --;3 Modeling --;4 Analysis --;5 Performance Evaluation --;6 Generalization to More than 3 Stages --;7 Numerical Results --;8 Generalization to the Assembly of More than Two Products --;9 Conclusion --;14 Designing Manufacturing Cells Using a Tabu Search Approach --;1 Introduction --;2 Problem Statement --;3 Definitions --;the Basic Element s of the Tabu Search Framework --;4 The Search Strategy --;5 Computational Results --;6 Conclusions --;15 State-Space Modeling and Analysis of Pull-Controlled Production Systems --;1 Introduction --;2 General Structure --;3 Model Builder --;4 Model --;5 An Algorithm to Generate the State Space Models --;6 Automated Transfer Lines Controlled by Pull Policies --;7 Performance Evaluation Block --;8 Numerical Results and Extensions --;9 Conclusions --;16 Using Fluid Solutions in Dynamic Scheduling --;1 Introduction --;2 The Discrete and Fluid Models --;3 Greedy Solutions --;4 Fluid Limits and Asymptotic Switching Curves --;5 Conclusion --;6 Acknowledgments.
Analysis and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems is a set of papers on some of the newest research and applications of mathematical and computational techniques to manufacturing systems and supply chains.
Operations research.
LC Classification
TS183.E358 2003
Added Entry
Chrissoleon T Papadopoulos
J M Smith
Stanley B Gershwin
Y Dallery
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