رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Diagnosis and Therapy of Malignant Lymphoma "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 728921
Doc. No : b548674
Main Entry : edited by K. Musshoff.
Title & Author : Diagnosis and Therapy of Malignant Lymphoma\ edited by K. Musshoff.
Publication Statement : Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1974
Series Statement : Recent Results in Cancer Research / Fortschritte der Krebsforschung / Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer, 46.
ISBN : 3642808298
: : 364280831X
: : 9783642808296
: : 9783642808319
Contents : Opening Address --;Opening Address --;Anatomy of Lymphoma --;The Anatomy of the Lymphatic System --;Pathology of Malignant Lymphoma --;A Functional Approach to the Classification of Malignant Lymphoma --;The Unspecific Mesenchymal Reaction of the Liver in Patients with Hodgkin's Disease --;Unspecific Mesenchymal Reaction in Bone Marrow in Patients with Hodgkin's Disease --;The Specific Post-Capillary Venules of Lymphoglandular Tissue in Hodgkin's Disease --;Immunopathology of Malignant Lymphoma --;Immunology and Immune Reactions in Malignant Lymphoma --;Correlation between ElBV Infections and Malignant Lymphomas --;Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) in Lymphoid Cells from Patients with Hodgkin's Disease --;Investigative Procedures in Malignant Lymphoma and Results --;Mediastinoscopy and Thoracoscopy --;Roentgen Anatomy of the Lymphatic System --;Lymphographic Differential Diagnosis in Malignant-Lymphomas --;Lymphography in Clinical Stage III Hodgkin's Disease --;Alterations in Pulmonary Diffusion Capacity after Lymphangiography --;The Diagnostic Significance of Laparoscopy in Hodgkin's Disease --;Splenectomy. (Indications, Technique, Complications, Intraoperative Diagnostic Methods) --;Changes in Blood Coagulation after Splenectomy --;Staging Laparotomy and Splenectomy in Hodgkin's Disease --;Preliminary Results of Laparotomy with Splenectomy in Patients Previously Treated for Hodgkin's Disease --;Influence of Extensive Biopsy Sampling at Laparotomy on Planning of Radiotherapy in the Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma --;Bone Marrow Biopsy in Malignant Lymphoma --;Radioisotope Investigations in Malignant Lymphoma --;Diagnosis of Malignant Lymphoma with 67Gallium --;Primary Extent, Later Extension and Stage as Factors in Therapy of Malignant Lymphoma --;Presentation and Progression of Hodgkin's Disease --;Reticulosarcoma and Lymphosarcoma, Pattern of Relapse and Spread --;Staging in Malignant Lymphoma (Hodgkin's Disease and Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas) --;Therapy of Malignant Lymphoma --;Radiotherapy of Hodgkin's Disease and the Malignant Lymphomas --;Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in the Management of the Malignant Lymphomas --;Clinical Trials of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer (E.O.R.T.C.) --;Therapeutic Results in Malignant Lymphoma --;The Curability of Hodgkin's Disease --;The Curability of Lympho- and Reticulosarcomas --;Results of Therapy in Hodgkin's Disease: Freiburg i. Br. 1964-1971 --;Radiotherapy of Reticulum-Cell Sarcoma: Results and Dose-Time-Relationship --;Radical Radiotherapy of Hodgkin's Disease. Lund 1944-1956 and 1967-1971 --;Results of Radiotherapy of Malignant Lymphomas --;Present Results in the Treatment of Malignant Lymphomas. Results Obtained in a Series of 317 Cases --;Localization and Prognostic Importance of the Post-Radiotherapy Marginal Recurrence of Malignant Lymphomas --;Author Index.
Abstract : A viral etiology could explain many of the dis parate findings with such a puzzling disease as lymphogranulomatosis, which shows both all the signs of malignancy, such as the characteristic Reed-Sternberg and Hodgkin cells and chromosome abnormalities, and those of an inflammatory disease, i.e.
Subject : Medicine.
LC Classification : ‭R1‬‭.E358 1974‬
Added Entry : K Musshoff
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