" Artificial Immune Systems and Their Applications "
Dipankar Dasgupta
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Dipankar Dasgupta
Title & Author
Artificial Immune Systems and Their Applications\ Dipankar Dasgupta
Edition Statement
Aufl. 1999
Publication Statement
Berlin Springer Berlin, 2014
Page. NO
XVII, 306 Seiten in 1 Teil 47 schw.-w. Illustrationen, 15 schw.-w. Tabellen 235 x 155 mm, 504 g
: 9783642641749
An Overview of Artificial Immune Systems and Their Applications.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Computational Aspects of the Immune System.- 3 The Nervous System and the Immune System.- 4 Immune System Based Models.- 5 Some Applications of Artificial Immune Systems.- 6 Summary.- References.- The Endogenous Double Plasticity of the Immune Network and the Inspiration to be Drawn for Engineering Artifacts.- 1 Introduction.- 2 An Elementary Immune Network and the Basic Principles to be Obeyed by a Double Plastic Adaptive System.- 3 The Endogenous Double Plasticity in Neural Net Classifiers.- 4 The Endogenous Double Plasticity in Autonomous Agents Learning by Reinforcement.- 5 The Endogenous Double Plasticity for the Control of Chaos.- 6 Conclusions.- References.- Artificial Immune Systems: Modeling & Simulation.- The Central and the Peripheral Immune Systems: What is the Relationship?.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Second Generation Network Models.- 3 An Immune Network Incorporating B-T Cell Co-operation.- 4 Concluding Remarks.- References.- Immunology Viewed as the Study of an Autonomous Decentralized System.- 1 Introduction.- 2 A Nano-course in Immunology.- 3 Overall Characterization of the Immune System.- 4 Postulating a Role for Feedback.- 5 Optimizing Effector Performance.- 6 Optimizing Effector Choice.- 7 The Importance of Geography.- 8 Communication.- 9 A Brief Comparison to Some Other Approaches to Decentralized Systems.- 10 Overview.- References.- Immune Network: An Example of Complex Adaptive Systems.- 1 Introduction.- 2 A Brief Summary of Experimental Phenomena to be Modelled Theoretically.- 3 Clonal Selection and Its Mathematical Modelling.- 4 Beyond Clonal Selection; Immune Network.- 5 Summary and Conclusion.- References.- Immunological Memory is Associative.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Immunological Memory.- 3 Sparse Distributed Memory (SDM).- 4 Correspondence between Immunological Memory and SDM.- 5 Aspects of Associative Recall in the Immune Response.- 6 Summary.- References.- Estimating and Predicting the Number of Free HIV and T Cells by Nonlinear Kalman Filter.- 1 Introduction.- 2 A Stochastic Model of the HIV Pathogenesis.- 3 A State Space Model for the HIV Pathogenesis.- 4 An Illustrative Example.- 5 Some Monte Carlo Studies.- 6 Conclusion and Discussion.- References.- Modeling the Effects of Prior Infection on Vaccine Efficacy.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Materials and Methods.- 3 Results and Discussion.- References.- Artificial Immune Systems: Applications.- Jisys: The Development of an Artificial Immune System for Real World Applications.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Research into ISYS.- 3 The JISYS System.- 4 Jisys System Structure.- 5 The Mortgage Fraud Application.- 6 Analysis of JISYS.- 7 Comparison with Related Work.- 8 Future Work.- 9 Conclusions.- References.- Decentralized Behavior Arbitration Mechanism for Autonomous Mobile Robot Using Immune Network.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Biological Immune System.- 3 Proposed Behavior Arbitration Mechanism Based on the Immune System.- 4 Adaptation Mechanisms.- 5 Conclusions and Further Work.- References.- Parallel Search for Multi-Modal Function Optimization with Diversity and Learning of Immune Algorithm.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Immune Algorithm.- 3 Experiments and Implementation Details.- 4 Conclusion.- References.- Immunized Adaptive Critic for an Autonomous Aircraft Control Application.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Levels of Intelligent Control.- 3 The Autonomous Aircraft Control Problem.- 4 Immunized Computational Systems.- 5 Immunized Adaptive Critics.- 6 Conclusion.- References.- Blueprint for a Computer Immune System.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Requirements for a Computer Immune System.- 3 Implementing an Immune System for Cyberspace.- 4 Evaluation and Final Remarks.- References.- An Anomaly Detection Algorithm Inspired by the Immune System.- 1 Introduction.- 2 A Negative Selection Algorithm.- 3 Anomaly Detection.- 4 Experiments.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- Immunity-Based Management System for a Semiconductor Production Line.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Problem of Semiconductor Production System.- 3 Immunity-Based System and Multi-Agent Nets.- 4 Conclusion.- References.- Indexed Bibliography.- Author Index.
LC Classification
QR182.2.C65D573 2014
Added Entry
Dipankar Dasgupta
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