" Neutron and X-Ray microscopy Part 2 "
edited by Ted Cremer.
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edited by Ted Cremer.
Title & Author
Neutron and X-Ray microscopy Part 2\ edited by Ted Cremer.
Publication Statement
Amsterdam: Academic, 2012
Series Statement
Advances in imaging and electron physics, v. 173
Page. NO
(360 pages).
: 9780123969699
Fast and Thermal Neutrons for Radiography and Isotope Detection Jay Theodore Cremer Neutron Scatter Amplitude, Cross Section, Scatter Length, and Refractive Index Jay Theodore Cremer Neutron Scatter Physics and Differential Cross Sections Jay Theodore Cremer Kinematic Neutron Scatter in Crystals Without Lattice Vibrations Jay Theodore Cremer Thermal-based Oscillations of Nuclei in a Crystal Lattice Jay Theodore Cremer Kinematic Neutron Scatter in Crystals with Lattice Nuclei Vibration Jay Theodore Cremer Dynamic Neutron Scatter Jay Theodore Cremer
Details the theory, experiments, and applications of neutron and x-ray optics and microscopy for an international readership across varying backgrounds and disciplines. This title attempts to provide assimilation of the presented topics such as: neutron and x-ray scatter, refraction, diffraction, and reflection and their potential application.
Optical data processing.
Optoelectronic devices.
Added Entry
Ted Cremer
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