" Clinical cases in contact lenses "
edited by Ronald K. Watanabe, with 6 contributing authors.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Ronald K. Watanabe, with 6 contributing authors.
Title & Author
Clinical cases in contact lenses\ edited by Ronald K. Watanabe, with 6 contributing authors.
Publication Statement
Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, ©2002.
Page. NO
xv, 232 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
: 0750690445
: 9780750673495
: 9780750690447
Contributing authors --;Preface --;Acknowledgments --;1. Fitting dilemmas and complexities --;Case 1-1. Low-riding rigid gas-permeable contact lens --;Case 1-2. Laterally decentered rigid gas-permeable contact lens --;Case 1-3. High-riding rigid gas-permeable contact lens --;Case 1-4. Another low-riding rigid gas-permeable contact lens --;Case 1-5. Blurry, uncomfortable soft lens --;Case 1-6. Poor vision with a toric soft lens --;Case 1-7. Soft versus rigid toric lenses / Timothy B. Edrington --;Case 1-8. Unstable bitoric rigid gas-permeable lens --;2. Optical problems --;Case 2-1. Visual flare, Part 1 --;Case 2-2. Visual flare, Part 2 --;Case 2-3. Sudden onset blur in one eye --;Case 2-4. Blurry vision with rigid gas-permeable lenses --;Case 2-5. Blurry vision with new rigid gas-permeable contact lenses --;Case 2-6. Double vision with soft toric lenses --;Case 2-7. Cloudy vision --;Case 2-8. Foggy vision --;Case 2-9. Blurry near vision / Neil A. Pence --;Case 2-10. More problems with near vision --;3. Fit-induced complications --;Case 3-1. Soft lens red eye --;Case 3-2. Pain with soft lens wear --;Case 3-3. Soft lens discomfort --;Case 3-4. Redness with rigid gas-permeable lenses --;Case 3-5. More redness with gas-permeable lenses --;Case 3-6. Itchy soft lens --;Case 3-7. Itchy rigid gas-permeable lenses --;Case 3-8. Soft lens discomfort --;Case 3-9. Routine soft lens wearer --;Case 3-10. "There's a white spot on my eye" --;Case 3-11. Pain and redness with soft lens wear --;Case 3-12. Rigid gas-permeable lens discomfort --;Case 3-13. Painful red eye with soft lens wear --;4. Specialty contact lens fitting dilemmas --;Case 4-1. Uncomfortable rigid gas-permeable lens in keratoconus / Edward S. Bennett --;Case 4-2. Bifocal contact lens problem --;Case 4-3. Difficult rigid gas-permeable contact lens fit / Timothy B. Edrington --;Case 4-4. Postsurgical glare --;Case 4-5. Postsurgical rigid gas-permeable lens intolerance --;Case 4-6. Uncomfortable keratoconus fit --;Case 4-7. Orthokeratology, Part 1 / Marjorie J. Rah --;Case 4-8. Orthokeratology, Part 2 / Harue J. Marsden --;Case 4-9. Occluder pupil lens and a red eye / Nadia S. Zalatimo --;Index.
Contact lenses -- Complications -- Case studies.
Contact Lenses.
Lentilles de contact -- Complications et séquelles -- Cas, Études de.
LC Classification
RE977.C6E358 2002
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