" MR Imaging of Laryngeal Cancer "
by J.A. Castelijns, G.B. Snow, J. Valk.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
by J.A. Castelijns, G.B. Snow, J. Valk.
Title & Author
MR Imaging of Laryngeal Cancer\ by J.A. Castelijns, G.B. Snow, J. Valk.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991
Series Statement
Series in radiology, 23.
Page. NO
(xvii, 147 pages)
: 9789401132862
1: General Aspects of Laryngeal Cancer --;1. Introduction --;2. TNM staging --;3. Diagnostic aspects --;4. Therapeutic options --;5. Therapeutic management --;Tl --;and T2 --;glottic carcinomas --;T1 --;and T2 --;subglottic carcinomas --;T2 --;and T2 --;supraglottic carcinomas --;T3 --;and T4 --;laryngeal cancer --;Nodal metastasis --;References --;2: The Patterns of Growth And Spread of Laryngeal Cancer --;1. Introduction --;2. Spread of cancer in various regions --;3. Cartilage invasion --;4. Lymphatic spread --;5. Vascular and perineural invasion --;References --;3: The Radiological Examination of the Larynx --;1. Introduction --;2. Phonation manoeuvers --;3. Frontal tomography --;4. Contrast laryngography --;5. Computed tomography --;6. CT versus conventional radiological techniques --;References --;4: General Aspects of MR Imaging --;1. Introduction --;2. Technical principles --;3. The equipment --;4. Disadvantages of MR imaging --;References --;5: MR Imaging Techniques of the Larynx --;1. Surface coils --;2. Parameters --;3. Artifacts --;4. Performance of the laryngeal examination --;References --;6: MR Imaging of the Normal Larynx --;1. Introduction --;2. MR imaging of laryngeal structures --;3. Landmarks --;References --;7: MR Imaging of Laryngeal Cancer --;Abstract --;1. Introduction --;2. Materials and methods --;3. Case reports --;4. Discussion --;5. Conclusions --;References --;8: MR imaging of Normal and Cancerous Laryngeal Cartilages. Histopathological Correlation --;Abstract --;1. Introduction --;2. Materials and methods --;3. Results --;4. Discussion --;5. Conclusions --;References --;9: Dagnosis of Laryngeal Cartilage Invasion by Cancer. Comparison of CT and MR Imaging --;Abstract --;1. Introduction --;2. Materials and methods --;3. Results --;4. Discussion --;5. Summary --;References --;10: MR Findings of Cartilage Invasion by Laryngeal Cancer. Value in Predicting Outcome of Radiation Therapy --;Abstract --;1. Introduction --;2. Materials and methods --;3. Results --;4. Discussion --;References --;11: General Discussion --;References.
Over ten years ago CT made a major impact on laryngeal examination because it was the first time that Radiologists were beginning to look at submucosal disease. CT is still an excellent method of examining the larynx but it is unfortunately limited to the axial plane.
Cancer -- Surgery.
Medical radiology.
LC Classification
RC280.T5B953 1991
Added Entry
G B Snow
J A Castelijns
J Valk
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