رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Selective Bronchography and Bronchial Brushing "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 731418
Doc. No : b551204
Main Entry : by FranÇois Pinet, Michel Amiel, Jean-Claude Froment, Alain Rubet.
Title & Author : Selective Bronchography and Bronchial Brushing\ by FranÇois Pinet, Michel Amiel, Jean-Claude Froment, Alain Rubet.
Publication Statement : Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1979
Page. NO : (volumes)
ISBN : 3642671284
: : 3642671306
: : 9783642671289
: : 9783642671302
Contents : I. Expansion of Bronchography into Bronchial Catheterization --;II. The Role of Bronchial Catheterization --;A. Indications --;B. Relationship to Other Techniques --;C. Contraindications --;III. Bronchial Catheterization Technique --;A. General Requirements for Performing Bronchial Catheterization --;IV. The Normal Bronchogram --;A. Procedures and Standards of Bronchial Filling Using Televised Fluoroscopy --;B. Static Images --;C. Normal Bronchial Dynamics --;V. The Pathologic Bronchogram --;A. Bronchial Filling Anomalies --;B. Position and Orientation Anomalies of the Bronchial Tree --;C. Variations in Bronchial Caliber --;D. Bronchial Contour Abnormalities --;E. Anomalies of the Bronchioloalveolar Segment --;VI. Contributions of Bronchography and Bronchial Brushing to the Diagnosis of Opacities and Pulmonary Ring Shadows --;A. Diagnosis of Pulmonary Opacities --;B. Diagnosis of Pulmonary Ring Shadows (in the Adult) --;VII. Contributions and Value of Bronchography and Bronchial Brushing in Pulmonary Pathology --;A. Bronchiectasis --;B. Chronic Bronchitis --;C. Tumors of the Lung.
Abstract : The pioneering efforts of Chevalier Jackson in 1918, using bismuth insufflation for radiologic visualization of the bronchial tree, and of Sicard and Forestier, who introduced poppy seed oil (lipiodol) in 1922, rapidly established bronchography as a practical radiologic diagnostic procedure.
Subject : Medicine.
LC Classification : ‭RC734.R3‬‭B947 1979‬
Added Entry : Alain Rubet
: FranÇois Pinet
: Jean-Claude Froment
: Michel Amiel
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