رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" International Skeletal Society Membership Book "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 731427
Doc. No : b551213
Main Entry : by Morrie E. Kricun.
Title & Author : International Skeletal Society Membership Book\ by Morrie E. Kricun.
Edition Statement : 2nd edition
Publication Statement : Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998
Page. NO : (ix, 279 pages 365 illustrations)
ISBN : 3540640177
: : 3642721206
: : 9783540640172
: : 9783642721205
Contents : The ISS: How it Began --;Index of Development --;By-Laws of the International Skeletal Society --;Guidelines for Bestowing of Medals --;Recipients of ISS Medals --;Recipients of Founders' Lectures --;Founders' Lectures --;Past Presidents of the ISS --;ISS Meeting Sites --;Membership by Specialities --;Membership by Countries --;List of Members --;ISS Honorary Members --;New Members: 1997 --;In Memoriam.
Abstract : The amount of information about each member of the Society is purposefully less than that which was presented in the first edition, as the Society has grown to 427 members and 20 Honorary members .
Subject : Medical radiology.
Subject : Medicine.
Added Entry : Morrie E Kricun
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