" Radiology of The Sella Turcica "
by Jean François Bonneville, Jean Louis Dietemann.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
by Jean François Bonneville, Jean Louis Dietemann.
Title & Author
Radiology of The Sella Turcica\ by Jean François Bonneville, Jean Louis Dietemann.
Publication Statement
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1981
Page. NO
(xxii, 262 pages 693 illustrations)
: 9783642677861
1 Embryology of the Sellar Region --;A. Development of the Sphenoid Bone --;B. Development of the Sphenoid Sinus --;C. Development of the Pituitary Gland --;D. Main Anomalies in the Fetal Development of the Sellar Region --;2 Anatomy of the Sellar Region --;A. Descriptive Anatomy of the Sellar Region --;B. Relationships Between the Sella Turcica and the Surrounding Structures --;C. Vascular Supply of the Sellar Region --;D. Innervation of the Sellar Region --;3 Radiographic Techniques --;A. Plain Radiography --;B. Tomography --;4 Radiologic Anatomy --;A. Radiologic Anatomy of the Sella Turcica and of the Presellar Region --;B. Regional Radiologic Anatomy --;5 Variations and Normal Limits --;A. Variations in the General Appearance of the Sella Turcica --;B. Variations in Different Anatomic Structures --;6 Intrasellar Pathology --;A. The Empty Sella Turcica --;B. Pituitary Adenomas --;C. Intrasellar Craniopharyngiomas --;D. Miscellaneous Disorders --;7 Suprasellar Pathology --;A. Craniopharyngiomas --;B. Hypothalamic Gliomas --;C. Gliomas of the Optic Chiasm --;D. Miscellaneous Disorders --;8 Presellar Pathology --;A. Gliomas of the Optic Pathways (Nerve and Chiasm) --;B. Presellar Meningiomas --;C. Diagnosis of an Abnormal Presellar Region --;9 Parasellar Pathology --;A. Vascular Disease --;B. Meningiomas --;C. Gasserian Neurinomas and Meningiomas --;D. Diseases of Temporal Lobe --;10 Retrosellar Pathology --;A. Chordomas --;B. Chondromas --;C. Clivus Meningiomas --;D. Aneurysms of the Basilar Artery --;11 Infrasellar Pathology --;A. Inflammatory, Infectious, and Mycotic Lesions of the Sphenoid Sinus --;B. Infrasellar Neoplastic Diseases --;12 Sella Turcica in Raised Intracranial Pressure and Hydrocephalus --;A. Raised Intracranial Pressure --;B. Sella Turcica in Chronic Obstructive Hydrocephalus --;C. Changes in the Sella Turcica in Childhood --;D. Sella Turcica in Craniostenosis --;13 Generalized Diseases and Changes in the Sella Turcica --;A. Congenital Anomalies of the Sella Turcica --;B. Metabolic Diseases --;C. Endocrine Diseases --;D. Hematologic Diseases --;E. Neoplasms --;F. Infectious Diseases --;G. Fractures of the Sellar Region --;H. Miscellaneous --;14 Exercises and Pitfalls --;15 Advances in CT of the Pituitary Gland --;A. Method of CT Examination --;B. Results --;C. Bibliography --;References.
With a Historical Review
Medical radiology.
LC Classification
RC936.B954 1981
Added Entry
Jean François Bonneville
Jean Louis Dietemann
Parallel Title
With a Historical Review
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