" Sport psychology for coaches "
Damon Burton, Thomas D. Raedeke.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
Damon Burton, Thomas D. Raedeke.
Title & Author
Sport psychology for coaches\ Damon Burton, Thomas D. Raedeke.
Publication Statement
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, ©2008.
Page. NO
xi, 290 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
: 1450432123
: 9780736039864
: 9781450432122
ASEP Silver Level series preface --;Preface --;Acknowledgments --;pt. I. Creating a solid foundation --;1. Coaching philosophy --;Developing a positive coaching philosophy --;Understanding competition and using it constructively --;2. Communication --;What is communication? --;Sending effective messages --;Attentive listening --;Conflicts and confrontations --;3. Introduction to mental skills training --;Psychological factors and performance excellence --;Does MST work? --;The MST approach --;Roadblocks and myths surrounding MST --;Developing MST --;pt. II. Developing mental training tools --;4. Goal setting --;What are goals and why use them? --;Characteristics of effective goals --;Making goals work : the goal implementation process --;Developing athletes' goal-setting skills --;5. Imagery --;What is imagery? --;Factors influencing the effectiveness of imagery --;Using imagery effectively --;Developing an imagery training program --;6. Relaxation and energization --;What is relaxation? --;Relaxation strategies --;What is energization? --;Energization strategies --;Developing athletes' relaxation and energization skills --;7. Self-talk --;What is self-talk? --;How self-talk works --;Positive versus negative thinking --;Optimizing self-talk --;Developing athletes' smart-talk skills --;pt. III. Enhancing mental skills --;8. Motivation --;What is motivation? --;Athletes' needs and intrinsic motivation --;Impact of rewards --;Handling success and failure --;Creating a mastery-oriented motivational atmosphere --;9. Energy management --;Understanding energy management --;How does arousal affect performance? --;Why underarousal and overarousal impair performance --;Determining optimal energy zones --;Mental side of arousal --;Developing athletes' energy management skills --;10. Attention --;Understanding attention --;Attentional capacity --;Selective attention --;Sustaining focus : concentration --;Implementing an attentional skills program --;11. Stress management --;Understanding stress --;Stress management --;Developing athletes' stress management skills --;12. Self-confidence --;Understanding self-confidence --;Conceptualizing self-confidence --;Boosting self-confidence --;Developing team confidence --;Developing and maintaining self-confidence during competition --;Self-fulfilling prophecy : confidence booster or deflator? --;Developing athletes' self-confidence --;Final thoughts : developing ultimate confidence --;pt. IV. Integrating mental training tools and skills --;13. Mental plans --;Understanding mental plans --;Types of mental plans --;Role of triggers, releases, and cue words --;Developing mental plans --;Developing athletes' mental toughness skills --;14. Mental skills training programs --;Getting started --;Components of effective MST programs --;Implementing a basic MST program --;Appendix A. Answers to review questions --;Appendix B. Relaxation and energization scripts --;Appendix C. Test of performance strategies --;Glossary --;References and resources --;Index --;About the authors.
Suitable for undergraduates pursuing professions as coaches, physical education teachers and sport psychologists, this book presents an applied approach to sport psychology. It provides coaches with a practical discussion of motivation, communication, stress management, and mental imagery.
Coaching (Athletics)
Sports -- Psychological aspects.
LC Classification
GV706.4D366 2008
Added Entry
Damon Burton
Thomas D Raedeke
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