" Neuropeptides and Immunoregulation "
edited by Berta Scharrer, Eric M. Smith, George B. Stefano.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Berta Scharrer, Eric M. Smith, George B. Stefano.
Title & Author
Neuropeptides and Immunoregulation\ edited by Berta Scharrer, Eric M. Smith, George B. Stefano.
Publication Statement
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994
Page. NO
(x, 174 pages 19 illustrations)
: 3642784828
: 9783642784804
: 9783642784828
Neuropeptides and Autoregulatory Immune Processes --;Role of Neuropeptides in the Bidirectional Communication Between the Immune and Neuroendocrine Systems --;Corticotropin and Immunoregulation --?-Melanotropin and its Role in Regulating the Inflammatory Response --;Immunoregulation by Neuropeptides Other than Corticotropin and Melanotropin --;Enkephalins as Regulators of Inflammatory Immune Reactions --;Interactions of Neuropeptides and Cytokines --;Stress and Immunity --;Pharmacological and Binding Evidence for Opioid Receptors on Vertebrate and Invertebrate Blood Cells --;Degradation of Neuropeptide Signal Molecules in Immunocytes of Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
This book provides an updated overview of a rapidly develo- ping and exciting area of investigation dealing with the ro- le of neuropeptides in immunoregulatory processes. Existing texts focus on the bidirectional exchange of signals among the nervous, endocrine and immune systems in mammals, car- ried out primarily by the enkephalin and proopiomelanocortin families of neuropeptides and lymphokines. This collection of material is the first one to include pertinent informa- tion obtained in invertebrates, which has considerably ad- vanced our knowledge of the role of opioid neuropeptides, especiallyin another activity of the immune system, that of autoregulation. The study and interpretation of the remark- able parallelisms between these phenomena observed in inver- tebrates and vertebrates bring new insight into the me- chanisms of neuroimmunobiological integration with both general biological and clinical implications.
LC Classification
QP552.N39E358 1994
Added Entry
Berta Scharrer
Eric M Smith
George B Stefano
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