" The Year in Endocrinology 1977 "
edited by Sidney H. Ingbar.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Sidney H. Ingbar.
Title & Author
The Year in Endocrinology 1977\ edited by Sidney H. Ingbar.
Publication Statement
Boston, MA: Springer US, 1978
Page. NO
(xvii, 399 pages)
: 9781468425024
1 Hypothalamus --;1.1. Hormones in Brain --;1.2. Hormones in Pituitary Blood --;1.3. Factors Involved in Brain Androgenization --;1.4. Melatonin --;1.5. Clinical Neuroendocrinology --;Addendum --;References --;2 Anterior Pituitary --;2.1. Introduction --;2.2. Corticotropin-Related Peptides --;2.3 Thyrotropin --;2.4. Gonadotropins --;2.5. Prolactin --;2.6. Growth Hormone --;2.7. Somatomedins --;References --;3 The Thyroid --;3.1. Introduction --;3.2. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Interrelationships --;3.3. Thyroid Hormones --;3.4. Mechanisms of Thyroid Hormone Action --;3.5. Clinical Thyroidology --;References --;4 Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin --;4.1. Parathyroid Hormone --;4.2. Calcitonin --;References --;5 The Adrenal Cortex --;5.1. Introduction --;5.2. ACTH: Structure and Function --;5.3. Cyclic Nucleotides in the Adrenal --;5.4. Adrenal Metabolism --;5.5. Regulation of Normal Adrenal Growth --;5.6. Abnormal Adrenal Function --;References --;6 Aldosterone and the Renin-Angiotensin System --;6.1. Introduction --;6.2. The Renin-Angiotensin System --;6.3. Aldosterone and the Mineralocorticoid Hormones --;References --;7 Vasopressin and Water Metabolism --;7.1. Introduction --;7.2. Physiology --;7.3. Pathology --;References --;8 The Ovary --;8.1. Secondary Amenorrhea --;8.2. Hyperprolactinemic Amenorrhea --;8.3. Post-Pill Amenorrhea --;8.4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome --;8.5. Menstrual Cycle Progesterone --;8.6. Estrogens and the Adrenal --;8.7. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin --;References --;9 The Testis --;9.1. Introduction --;9.2. Intrauterine and Neonatal Function --;9.3. Puberty --;9.4. Adult Physiology --;9.5. Adult Pathophysiology --;9.6. Influence of Other Diseases on Testicular Function --;9.7. The H-Y Antigen --;References --;10 The Sympathoadrenal System --;10.1. Introduction: Regulation of the Sympathoadrenal System --;10.2. The Sympathoadrenal System and the Integration of Endocrine Responses --;10.3. Catecholamines and Essential Hypertension --;10.4. Update of Previously Reviewed Subjects --;References --;11 Autoimmunity in Endocrine Disease --;11.1. Introduction --;11.2. Basic Considerations --;11.3. Autoimmunity and the Thyroid --;11.4. Autoimmunity and the Pancreas --;11.5. Autoimmunity and the Adrenal --;11.6. Autoimmunity and the Gonad --;11.7. Autoimmunity and the Parathyroids --;11.8. Autoimmunity and the Pituitary --;11.9. Conclusions --;References.
This has been a year of substantial change for The Year in Endocrinology. With the publication of this year's volume, however, this can accurately be said to be an annual series, one that we trust will fulfill a need and will therefore continue for years to come.
LC Classification
RC648.E358 1978
Added Entry
Sidney H Ingbar
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