Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
by R.P. Wijk van Brievingh.
Title & Author
Quantitative videoangiocardiography\ by R.P. Wijk van Brievingh.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1975
Page. NO
(220 pages)
: 9789401180757
I. Introduction --;1. Medical Background --;2. Review of Possible Methods --;3. Aspects of the Method Chosen --;4. Set-up of the Measurement System --;II. The X-Ray Installation as a Part of the Measurement System --;1. Introduction --;2. Central Synchronization of the X-ray-television System --;3. Imaging Characteristics of the Image Intensifier-television System --;4. Geometry in the Biplane Installation --;5. Calibration --;III. Fractionized Contrast Medium Injection --;1. Introduction --;2. Calculation of the Number of Fractions --;3. Experimental Determination of the Concentration of Medium --;4. Time Programming --;5. Radiation Dose --;IV. Subtraction as an Assistant Tool --;1. Introduction --;2. Conversion of the Videosignal --;3. Procedure --;4. Example --;V. Integrated Information Recording --;1. Introduction --;2. Vidicor --;3. Anacor --;4. Digicor --;5. Magnetic Recording of the Videosignal --;VI. Geometric Model --;1. Introduction --;2. Survey of Models --;3. Preparation of Casts --;4. Index of Irregularity --;5. In Vitro Tests --;VII. Detection of the Ventricular Contour --;1. Introduction --;2. Semi-automatic Methods --;3. The Influence of the Trained Operator --;4. Conclusions --;VIII. Data Conversion --;1. Introduction --;2. Light-pen System and Contour Memory --;3. Digicor --;4. Evaluation Procedure --;5. Data Presentation --;IX. Software System --;1. Introduction --;2. Modular Structure --;3. Data Conversion --;4. Volume Calculation --;5. Data Presentation --;6. Special Programs --;X. In Vivo Tests --;1. Introduction --;2. Materials and Methods --;3. Results --;XI. Uncertainty Analysis --;1. Introduction --;2. Uncertainty Intervals for Relevant Variables --;3. Propagation of Uncertainty --;4. Uncertainty Interval in the Result --;XII. Discussion --;XIII. Appendix --;1. Glossary --;2. Derivations --;3. Results --;XIV. References --;1. Literature --;2. Internal Reports --;Acknowledgements.
2. 1 Central Synchronization 17 2. 1 2. 2 Effect of Scattered Radiation (Biplane) 18 Block-diagram of X-ray/TV-system 2. 3 21 2. 4 Test-object for OTF-measurement 25 Spatial Responses and Optical Transfer Functions 2. 5 26 Deviation from Isoplanasy and Influence of Additional Equipment 2. 2 Markers and Applicators 48 3.
LC Classification
RC683.5.C54B977 1975
Added Entry
R P Wijk van Brievingh