رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Submicroscopic Cytodifferentiation "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 738557
Doc. No : b558470
Main Entry : by Milan Dvořák.
Title & Author : Submicroscopic Cytodifferentiation\ by Milan Dvořák.
Publication Statement : Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1971
Series Statement : Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte / Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology / Revues d'anatomie et de morphologie expérimentale, 45/4.
ISBN : 354005622X
: : 3642462820
: : 9783540056225
: : 9783642462825
Contents : I. Introduction --;II. Examples of Submicroscopic Differentiation of Somatic Cells --;A. Differentiation of Rat Ovum during Cleavage --;B. Differentiation of Liver Cell --;C. Differentiation of Exocrine Cells of the Pancreas --;D. Differentiation of Erythrocytes --;III. General Features of Submicroscopic Cytodifferentiation --;A. Basic Types of Submicroscopic Cytodifferentiation --;B. General Features of Submicroscopic Differentiation of Nucleus and Cytoplasm --;C. Cytodifferentiation from a Qualitative and Quantitative Point of View --;IV. Concluding Remarks --;References.
Abstract : In the course of ontogeny, the cells, starting with the fertilized ovum, via the blastomeres of the segmenting ovum and the germ layer cells, right to the differentiating and fully differentiated cells of tissues and organs, gradually acquire new properties which make them different both from a morphological and functional point of view.
Subject : Cell Differentiation.
Subject : Medicine.
Added Entry : Milan Dvořák
کپی لینک

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