" Monsoon Dynamics "
von T.N. Krishnamurti.
Document Type
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Main Entry
von T.N. Krishnamurti.
Title & Author
Monsoon Dynamics\ von T.N. Krishnamurti.
Publication Statement
Basel: Birkhäuser Basel : Imprint : Birkhäuser, 1978
Series Statement
Contributions to Current Research in Geophysics (CCRG)
: 3034857608
: 9783034857598
: 9783034857604
Some Theoretical Problems of the Planetary-Scale Monsoons --;Hemispheric Simulation of the Asian Summer Monsoon --;Diagnosis of the Satellite-Observed Radiative Heating in Relation to the Summer Monsoon --;Spectrum Analysis Relevant to Indian Monsoon --;On the Role of the Asian Monsoon in the Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy Balances of the Tropics --;Monsoonal Quasi-Stationary Ultralong Waves of the Tropical Troposphere Predicted by a Real Data Prediction Over a Global Tropical Belt --;Some Aspects of the Monsoon Circulation and Monsoon Rainfall --;Observational Aspects of the Low-level Cross-equatorial Jet Stream of the Western Indian Ocean --;On the Theory of the East African Low Level Jet Stream --;Regional Energetics Over the North Pacific, South China Sea and the Indonesian Seas During Winter --;Synoptic Features and Structures of some Equatorial Vortices Over the South China Sea in the Malaysian Region During the Winter Monsoon, December 1973 --;Effects of a Variety of Indian Ocean Surface Temperature Anomaly Patterns on the Summer Monsoon Circulation: Experiments with the NCAR General Circulation Model --;Numerical Weather Prediction Relevant to the Monsoon Problem --;On Cumulus-scale Transport of Horizontal Momentum in Monsoon Depression over India --;Mid-Tropospheric Cyclones of the Summer Monsoon --;Orographic Effects on the Southwest Monsoon: A Review --;The Simulation of the Asian Summer Monsoon by General Circulation Models --;Barotropic-Baroclinic Instability of Mean Zonal Wind During Summer Monsoon --;Mechanisms Effecting the State, Evolution and Transition of the Planetary Scale Monsoon --;Global Vorticity Budget Over the Tropics and Subtropics at 200-mb During Northern Hemisphere Summer --;Some Aspects of the Life History, Structure and Movement of Monsoon Depressions.
Out of the five equatorial vortices studied in this investigation, the following significant features are obtained. 1. Disturbances in the trades associated with lateral shear were found to be important for the genesis of these equatorial vortices. 2. Intensification of these disturbances depended very much on the timing of the occurrence of the cold surge and the presence of the disturbance in the trades. 3. Low-Ievel easterly jets at 850 mb were found over the northem part of Peninsular Malaysia during the intensification stage of the four equatorial vortices that interacted with the cold monsoon surge and brought heavy rain to Peninsular Malaysia. Associated with the jet there was significant vertical shear about 20 knots between the lower and middle troposphere. 4. Heavy rain was confined to the cyc10nic shear side of the easterly jet and around the near-equatorial trough axis. 5. For the equatorial vortex that brought along heavy rain only to Sarawak, the low-Ievel easterly jet was absent over Peninsular Malaysia even though there was intense cold surge. 6. For those vortices that affected Peninsular Malaysia, the vertical wind fields were distincdy different from those associated with the vortex that affected only Sarawak. 7. For the maintenance and intensification of the disturbances, a complex combination of CISK mechanism and mixed barotropic and baroc1inic instability is suspected.
Science (General)
Science, general.
LC Classification
QC939.M7V668 1978
Added Entry
T N Krishnamurti
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