رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Spider "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 739437
Doc. No : b559360
Main Entry : John Woodward.
Title & Author : Spider\ John Woodward.
Publication Statement : New York: Chelsea Clubhouse, ©2010.
Page. NO : 32 pages : color illustrations ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 1604138955
: : 9781604138955
Contents : Finding spiders --;A spider's body --;Eyes and ears --;Venomous fangs --;Spider silk --;Orb weavers --;Traps and snares --;Ambush killers --;Hunters and jumpers --;Males and females --;Eggs and young --;Growing up --;Spiders and people.
Abstract : Introduces the physical characteristics, diet, life cycle, and habitat of spiders.
Subject : Spiders -- Juvenile literature.
Subject : Spiders.
LC Classification : ‭QL458.4‬‭J646 2010‬
Added Entry : John Woodward
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