" Middleware'98 : "
edited by Nigel Davies, Seitz Jochen, Kerry Raymond.
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edited by Nigel Davies, Seitz Jochen, Kerry Raymond.
Title & Author
Middleware'98 : : IFIP International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing\ edited by Nigel Davies, Seitz Jochen, Kerry Raymond.
Publication Statement
London: Springer London, 1998
: 1447112857
: 9781447112839
: 9781447112853
Session 1: Workflow --;1 A CORBA Compliant Transactional Workflow System for Internet Applications --;2 A Generic Workflow Environment based on CORBA Business Objects --;Session 2: Scalability --;3 A Scalable Middleware Solution for Advanced Wide-Area Web Services --;4 A Gossip-Style Failure Detection Service --;5 System Support for Scalable and Fault Tolerant Internet Services --;Session 3: Availability and Integrity --;6 Highly Available Trading System: Experiments with CORBA --;7 Integrity Management in GUARDS --;8 The Realize Middleware for Replication and Resource Management --;Session 4: ORB Engineering --;9 DIMMA --;A Multi-Media ORB --;10 The Implementation of a High Performance ORB over Multiple Network Transports --;Session 5: ORB Architecture --;11 Jonathan: an Open Distributed Processing Environment in Java --;12 An Architecture for Next Generation Middleware --;13 QuO's Runtime Support for Quality of Service in Distributed Objects --;Session 6: Components --;14 Component Coordination in Middleware Systems --;15 Architecturing and Configuring Distributed Application with Olan --;16 A Framework for Systematic Synthesis of Transactional Middleware --;Session 7: Type Safety and Security --;17 Secure Architectures --;18 Improving Type-Safety in CORBA --;19 Type Checking Stream Flow Endpoints --;Session 8: Mobile Objects --;20 Mobile Java Objects --;21 Javanaise: Distributed Shared Objects for Internet Cooperative Applications --;22 Mole 3.0: A Middleware for Java-Based Mobile Software Agents --;Session 9: Web Series --;23 Active Cache: Caching Dynamic Contents on the Web --;24 Saperlipopette!: a Distributed Web Caching Systems Evaluation Tool --;25 Experience With Top Gun Wingman: A Proxy-Based Graphical Web Browser for the 3Com PalmPilot --;Session 10: Events --;26 Event-based Distributed Workflow Execution with EVE --;27 An Architecture to Support Storage and Retrieval of Events --;28 Run-time Monitoring of Distributed Applications --;Index of Contributors --;Sponsors.
In recent years the distributed systems community has witnessed a growth in the number of conferences, leading to difficulties in tracking the literature and a consequent loss of awareness of work done by others in this important field.
Computer science.
Software engineering.
LC Classification
QA76.9.D5E358 1998
Added Entry
Kerry Raymond
Nigel Davies
Seitz Jochen
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