" Molecular aspects of bioelectricity. Festschrift and proceedings of the International Symposium and Poster Session (Symposium on Molecular Aspects on Bioelectricity) in honour of David Nachmansohn on the occasion of his 81st birthday, Liege, May 25-27, 1980 under the auspices of the Univ. de Liege, Belgium and the Max-Planck-Inst. f. Biochemie, Martinsried/München "
Editors Ernest Schoffeniels and Eberhard Neumann
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
Editors Ernest Schoffeniels and Eberhard Neumann
Title & Author
Molecular aspects of bioelectricity. Festschrift and proceedings of the International Symposium and Poster Session (Symposium on Molecular Aspects on Bioelectricity) in honour of David Nachmansohn on the occasion of his 81st birthday, Liege, May 25-27, 1980 under the auspices of the Univ. de Liege, Belgium and the Max-Planck-Inst. f. Biochemie, Martinsried/München\ Editors Ernest Schoffeniels and Eberhard Neumann
Publication Statement
Oxford Pergamon Press, 1980
Page. NO
354 Seiten
: 9780080263717
Electrophysiology -- Congresses.
Nachmansohn, David, -- 1899-1983
Nachmansohn, David, -- 1899-1983.
Added Entry
David Nachmansohn
Ernest Schoffeniels
Symposium on Molecular Aspects on Bioelectricity
Parallel Title
Molecular aspects of bioelectricity
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