" Econometrics in theory and practice : "
Dana B Myers
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Dana B Myers
Title & Author
Econometrics in theory and practice : : festschrift for hans schneeweiss.\ Dana B Myers
Publication Statement
[Place of publication not identified] : Physica Springer, 2012
: 9783642470271
Errors in Variables: C.-L. Cheng, J.W. Van Nees: Errors in Variables in Econometrics; W.A. Fuller: Estimation for the Nonlinear Errors-in-Variables Model; R.J. Carroll, J.D. Maca, S.J. Wang: Nonparametric Regression Splines for Generalized Linear Measurement Error Models; M. Thamerus: Different Nonlinear Regression Models with Incorrectly Observed Covariates; G. Schuster: ML Estimation from Binomial Data with Misclassifications; D.J. Bartholomew: The Indeterminancy of Latent Variable Models.- Theoretical Econometrics: M.J. Beckmann: An Introduction to the Economic Study of Knowledge; G. Ronning: Potentials and Limitations of Econometric Forecast and Simulation Models; H. Lutkepohl, D.S. Poskitt: Consistent Estimation of the Number of Cointegration relations in a Vector Autoregressive Model; Y. Feng, S. Heiler: Locally Weighted Autoregression; G. Tutz, G. kauermann: Locally Weigthed Least Squares in Categorical Varying-Coefficient Models; H. Toutenburg, G. Trenkler: Using First Differences as a device against Multicollinearity; W. Kramer: Asymptotic Equivalence of Ordinary Least Squares with Trending Regressors and Stationary Autoregressive Disturbances; G. Arminger: The Analysis of Growth and Learning Curves with Mean and Covariance Structure Models.- Applied Econometrics: K. Carstensen, G. Hansen: How Important are Real Shocks for the Real Exchange Rate?; G. Bamberg, G. Dorfleitner, K. Roeder: Trading Strategies of a Financially Strong Investor in Futures and Stocks; H. Boscher, E.-M. Fromk, I. Pigeot: Estimation of the Stochastic Volatility by Markov Chain Monte Carlo; I. Bruggemann, J. Wolters: Money and Prices in germany; H.-J. Mittag, D. Stemann, B. Schipp: Quasi-Minimax Estimation, PriorInformation and Money Demand in Germany; W. Nagl: Bayesian Forecasting and Turning Points in Economic Cycles; L. Fahrmeir, C. Gieger, A. Klinger: Regression Approaches to Rental Guides; C. Pu, J. Frohn: An Econometric Model for the Transition Process of China's Economy.- Decision Theory and Statistics: F. Ferschl: Information Value as a Metacriterion for Decision Rules Under Strict Uncertainty; K. Weichselberger, T. Augustin: Analysing Ellsberg's Paradox by Means of Interval-Probability; H. Buning: Some Robust and Adaptive Tests Versus F-test for Several Samples; P.T. Wilrich: A Sequential Test for the Comparison of the Precision of Two Measurement Methods.- List of Publications of Hans Schneeweiss.
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Dana B Myers
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