" Controversies in diabetic neuropathy "
edited by Nigel A. Calcutt, Paul Fernyhough.
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edited by Nigel A. Calcutt, Paul Fernyhough.
Title & Author
Controversies in diabetic neuropathy\ edited by Nigel A. Calcutt, Paul Fernyhough.
Edition Statement
First edition
Publication Statement
Amsterdam : Heidelberg [und 10 andere] Elsevier, 2016
Series Statement
International review of neurobiology, Volume 127.
Page. NO
xvi, 375 Seiten : Illustrationen
: 9780128039151
Introduction: David Tomlinson (editor of first edition) "Back in my day...." Fit the First: Clinical Context Calcutt and Fernyhough: "An introduction to the history and controversies of clinical trials in diabetic neuropathy" Pop-Busui: "Neuropathy in the DCCT/EDIC - what was done then and what we would do better now" Bril: "The perfect clinical trial" Fit the Second: New Models of Diabetic Neuropathy Calcutt and Fernyhough: "An Introduction to the history and controversies of animal models of diabetic neuropathy" Gardiner and Freeman: "Can diabetic neuropathy be modeled in vitro?" Yorek: "Alternatives to the streptozotocin-diabetic rodent" Fit the Third: Mechanisms and Therapies Fernyhough and Calcutt: "An introduction to the history and controversies of the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy" Yagihashi: "Glucotoxic mechanisms and related therapeutic approaches" Zochodne: "Sensory neurodegeneration in diabetes: beyond glucotoxicity " Dobrowsky: "Promoting Neuronal Tolerance of Diabetic Stress: Modulating Molecular Chaperones " Todorovic: "Painful diabetic neuropathy: Prevention or suppression?" Fit the Fourth: Translating Science into Medicine Fernyhough and Calcutt: "New Directions in Diabetic Neuropathy: Evolution or Extinction?" Vinik, Casellini and Nevoret: "Alternative Quantitative Tools in the assessment of diabetic peripheral and autonomic neuropathy" Malik: "Wherefore art thou, O Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy?"
Diabetic neuropathies.
Added Entry
Nigel A Calcutt
Paul Fernyhough
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