" Advances in Public Economics "
edited by Robin Boadway, Baldev Raj.
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edited by Robin Boadway, Baldev Raj.
Title & Author
Advances in Public Economics\ edited by Robin Boadway, Baldev Raj.
Publication Statement
Heidelberg : Physica-Verlag HD, 2000
Series Statement
Studies in Empirical Economics
: 3642633242
: 9783642576546
: 9783642633249
Introduction and Overview: R. Boadway, B. Raj: Contemporary Issues in Empirical Public Finance.- Economics of Public Programs: R. Haveman, K. Holden, B. Wolfe, P. Smith, K. Wilson: The Changing Economic Status of U.S. Disabled Men: Trends and Their Determinants, 1982-1991.- K. Bhattarai, J. Whalley: The Role of Labour Demand Elasticities in Tax Incidence Analysis with Heterogeneous Labour.- Tax Leakages and Efficiency: D.E.A. Giles: Modelling the Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in New Zealand.- R. Jha, M.S. Mohanty, S. Chatterjee, P. Chitkara: Tax Efficiency in Selected Indian States.- Do Governments Act in the Interest of Their Constituents? S.M. Sheffrin: Tax Reforms and the Growth of Government.- T. Doi: Empirics of the Median Voter Hypothesis in Japan.- Optimality of the Public Capital Stock: J. Nemoto, K. Kamada, M. Kawamura: Estimates of Optimal Public Capital Stocks in Japan Using a Public Investment Discount Rate Framework.- R.G. Batina: On the Long Run Effect of Public Capital on Aggregate Output: Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis.
Thisbookisacollectionofeightpapersthatwerepublished in aspecial symposium issueofEmpirical Economicsdur ing 1999. These papers cover several areasofinterest in contemporary public economics, including tax incidence, underground economy, welfare system, fiscal federalism, public infrastructure and the growth of government. The contributionsutilizeavarietyofquantitativetoolsofanaly sis, includingappliedeconometrics, appliedgeneralequilib rium modeling analysis, technical efficiency analysis and institutional analysis. The introductory essay in the book summarizes the contributionsofapplied public economics papers inthisbookandplacesthem inabroadercontextof modempublicfinanceeconomictheory. Theobjectiveofthe bookistomaketheseessaysavailableinaconvenientform toscholarsandstudentsengaged inresearchonpublic pol icytopicsaswell astoinstructorsofcoursesinpubliceco nomics, both undergraduate and graduate. A briefmotiva tionforthebookisgivenbelow. Thestudyofpubliceconomicshasexperiencedanumber of dramatic changes during the past two decades. These changes have revolutionized, in a fundamental way, the subjectofpublic economics. This is due largely to several majordevelopments ineconomictheory, includingtheroles ofinformation theory and game theory along with its de rivative theories, such as designofinstitutions as well as inter-temporal analysis. These economic theory develop ments have altered in a fundamental way the way econo mists and policy analysts perceive the roleofgovernment. Alsothesedevelopmentshavecalledintoquestiontheabil ityofgovernmentstocarryoutsomeofitstraditionaltasks, particularly the efficient design of redistribution and tax systems. The theoretical research in public economics has contributedtothedevelopmentofnew instrumentsand ap proaches to tackle problemsofeconomic policy in a more effectivemanner. Giventhattheevaluationofpolicyoptions requiresasoundunderstandingofboththenatureandmag nitudeofeconomic, behaviouralandinsti.
LC Classification
HJ113.E358 2000
Added Entry
Baldev Raj
Robin Boadway
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