" The origins of economic growth : "
Arvid Aulin.
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Arvid Aulin.
Title & Author
The origins of economic growth : : the fundamental interaction between material and nonmaterial values\ Arvid Aulin.
Publication Statement
Berlin : Springer, 2013
Page. NO
XIV, 234 Seiten
: 3642645208
: 9783642607127
: 9783642645204
1 An Introduction to Nonmaterial Values.- I. Knowledge as the Basic Nonmaterial Value of the Supply Side.- 1. Human Capital as Accumulated Exact Knowledge.- 2. The Formation of Exact Scientific Knowledge.- 1. The strategy of mathematical generalization.- 2. A short history of fundamental exact science.- 3. The unique properties of theoretical knowledge in exact sciences.- 3. Practical Sciences Applying Exact Science.- 1. Practicality as the original criterion of objectivity.- 2. Practical sciences today.- II. Nonmaterial Values of the Demand Side.- 4. The Human Need for Self-Expression.- 1. Subjective and objective knowledge.- 2. Commenting sciences.- 3. The pursuit of self-expression as the fundamental nonmaterial value of the demand side.- 5. The Historical Process from Philosophical Self-Expression to Exact Science.- 1. The linguistic method of classical Greek philosophy.- 2. The influence of the myth of the eternal return upon Greek philosophy.- 3. The first challengers of the "philosophical method".- 4. Newton's physics doomed "philosophically false".- 5. Newton's physics as "philosophically true" to Immanuel Kant.- 6. The triumph of exact science over the "philosophical method" since 19th century.- 7. What mean the terms 'supply side' and 'demand side' in connection of nonmaterial values?.- 2 The Interaction of Material and Nonmaterial Values as the Source of Economic Growth and Business Cycles.- III. A Necessary Extension of Economics.- 6. Facts.- 7. Conclusions.- 8. Is This Economics?.- IV. The Mathematical Tools.- 9. The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory.- 1. The Hamiltonian function.- 2. The Lagrangian function.- 3. The action principle.- 4. The Legendre function.- 5. Transversality conditions.- 6. The "principle of the largest action".- 10. The Maximization of Accumulated Utility.- 1. Canonical equations for discounted utilities.- 2. The Solow growth model revisited.- 3. The parameter conditions of transversality in the Solow model.- 4. The Arrow-Kurz generalization.- V. The Lucasian Mechanics of Economic Development and Its Extension to Nonmaterial Values.- 11. Growth Theory as Based on Rational Expectations.- 1. The reaction of the market to common knowledge.- 2. The market clearing.- 12. The Extension of Lucasian Mechanics to Nonmaterial Values.- 1. The first axiom of generalization.- 2. The fundamental equations.- 3. The second axiom of generalization.- 4. The derivation of a general solution algorithm.- 5. The natural boundary conditions.- 6. The Legendre condition.- 7. Transversality conditions.- VI. The Fundamental Dynamics of Economic Growth and the Business Cycles.- 13. The Basic Growth Paths.- 1. The balanced growth path: Growth Type 1.- 2. The path of logistically rising productivity of capital: Growth Type 2.- 3. Verification by the Solow (1957) material.- 14. The Basic Business Cycles.- 1. The state-plane and the cycle center.- 2. The decreasing relative size of the cycles.- 3. The existence of well-behaving general solutions.- 4. The invariance group and the time scale.- 5. The detrended cycle functions.- 6. The minimums and maximums of the cycle functions.- VII. The Basic Business Cycles as the Causal Part of the Business Cycles.- 15. The Predictive Power of the Basic Cycles Compared With That of the Stochastic Models: Ordinary Business Cycles.- 1. The linear approximation of the Basic Business Cycles.- 2. Comparisons with empirical correlations and variances.- 3. Comparisons with empirical autocorrelations.- 16. Conclusions and Challenges.- 1. The two levels of macroeconomic theory.- 2. Economic stability.- 3. Are real business cycle theories outdated?.- 17. The Dynamics of Anomalous Business Cycles and Their Quantitative Verification.- 1. Fundamental theory vs model construction in economics.- 2. The method of calculation.- 3. The fall in procyclicality of consumption and investment.- 4. The retained high procyclicality of employment.- 5. An appraisal of the results.- VIII. The Growth Effects of Nonmaterial Values and the Trade-Off between Growth and Stability.- 18. Primary Causal Factors of Economic Growth.- 1. The reduction to human capital.- 2. The freedom factor.- 3. The three ultimate determinants of the level of national economy.- 4. The form of the function b(?, ?, ?).- 19. The Growth and Stability Effects of Savings Rate.- 1. Which is the causal order of parameters?.- 2. The existence of the growth effects of savings rate.- 3. An empirical test.- 4. The slowdown of the growth of labour productivity in the long run.- IX. An Alternative Vision of the Stochastic Element in the Business Cycles.- 20. Stochastic Shocks as Perturbations Superposed upon the Basic Business Cycles.- 1. Are the business cycles purely stochastic processes?.- 2. The production of random series with a definite mean and standard deviation.- 3. How the technological shocks affect each economic variable?.- 21. Final Result: Both the Stochastic and Nonstochastic BBC Versions Predict Better Than Any of the Models Based on Stochastic Optimization.- 1. Correlations and variances of stochastic cycle functions over a cycle: the formulae.- 2. Preliminary steps of calculation.- 3. Calibration.- 4. The small but not negligible effect of shocks.- 5. The final result in numbers: Table 12.- 6. The final result illustrated: Figures 9 and 10.- 7. Final comments.- References (Part 2).- Appendix 1 (Part 2).- Appendix 2 (Part 2).- 3 The Historical Interaction between Economic Development and Nonmaterial Values.- X. Human Actor.- 22. A Theory of Acts.- 1. Acts as the means of interaction between the self and the outer world.- 2. The mathematical representation of acts.- 3. The mathematical representation of values, norms and beliefs.- 23. Universal Causality.- 1. The axiom of universal causality.- 2. The concerted action of several actors.- 3. The dual causality of human actors.- 4. A limitation to the causal analysis of human actors.- XI. Cybernetic Entropy Laws of Actor-Systems.- 24. The Law of Requisite Variety (Ashby).- 1. The Disturber and the Regulator.- 2. The survival of a living being as a problem of regulation of external disturbances.- 3. Ashby's entropy law.- 25. The Law of Requisite Hierarchy.- 1. The improvement of regulation by a hierarchy of regulation and control.- 2. Increasing social hierarchy in stagnant societies.- 3. Decreasing social hierarchy in advanced societies.- References (Chapter XI).- XII. The Entropy Laws of Individual Freedom.- 26. The Natural Limits to Individual Freedom Determined by Economic Development.- 1. The cultural impact on individual freedom.- 2. An entropy measure of individual freedom.- 27. The Decreasing Individual Freedom in Societies of Stagnant Economy (FINAL RESULT I).- (1) The defining characteristics.- (2) The vicious circle of underdevelopment.- (3) The collapse of economy and the disintegration of society.- 28. The Increasing Individual Freedom in Societies of Economic Growth (FINAL RESULT II).- (1) The defining characteristics.- (2) The virtuous circle of economic development.- (3) The governable society.- (4) Crises of governability.- (5) Social revolution as a loss of governability.- (6) Social effects of an environmental catastrophe.- References (Chapter XII).- XIII. World History Revisited in View of the Entropy Laws.- 29. The East and the West: Two Different Worlds.- 30 The Eastern Tradition of Stagnant Societies.- 1. The archaic world.- 2. How Russia cut itself off from the West.- 3. The development of Russian totalitarianism.- 31. The Relaxed Hierarchy of Western Feudalism.- 1. The separation of divine and earthly powers.- 2. The continental feudal state.- 32. The Birth of the Middle Class and Local Democracy in Medieval England.- 33. The End of Feudalism and the Increased Economic Growth in England.- 1. Medieval English parliament.- 2. The rise of independent farmers and city bourgeoisie.- 34. The Birth of Western Parliamentarism and Freedom of Speech in England.- 1.
A revolutionary situation: the first in the world.- 2. The civil war in the English way: between two parliamentary parties.- 3. The short-lived dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell.- 4. The governing parliament and the period of industrialization.- 5. The real birth of human rights and freedom of speech.- 35. The Delayed Development on the Continental Europe.- 1. The lingering Richelieu hierarchy in France.- 2. The Great French Revolution and after.- 3. Revolution passes eastward.- 4. Delayed development and its disadvantages.
LC Classification
HD75.5A785 2013
Added Entry
Arvid Aulin
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