" Crystalline Bacterial Cell Surface Layers "
edited by Uwe B. Sleytr, Paul Messner, Dietmar Pum, Margit Sára.
Document Type
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Main Entry
edited by Uwe B. Sleytr, Paul Messner, Dietmar Pum, Margit Sára.
Title & Author
Crystalline Bacterial Cell Surface Layers\ edited by Uwe B. Sleytr, Paul Messner, Dietmar Pum, Margit Sára.
Publication Statement
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988
Page. NO
(xii, 193 pages 86 illustrations)
: 3642735371
: 9783540190820
: 9783642735370
From the contents: Comparative Chemistry of the Rigid Cell Wall Component and its Phylogenetic Implications --; Evidence for the Glycoprotein Nature of Eubacterial S-Layers --; Thermoresistance of A-Layer-Deficient Mutants of Aeromonas salmonicida --; The Three-Dimensional Structure of Bacterial Surface Layers --; The Surface Protein of the Archaebacterium Thermoproteus tenax --; Three-Dimensional Structure of the Regular Tetragonal Surface Layer of Azotobacter vinelandii --; Occurrence and Characterization of S-Layers in Oral Bacteria --; S-Layers in Cyanobacteria --; Cloning and Sequencing of the S-Layer Glycoprotein Gene of Halobacterium halobium- Comparative Studies on Synthetic and S-Layer Ultrafiltration Membranes --; Appendix: Crystalline Surface Layers on Bacteria.
Crystalline surface layers (S-layers) represent an almost universal feature of archaebacterial cell envelopes and can be found in gram-positive and gram-negative eubacterial species from nearly all phylogenetic branches. S-layers consist of a single protein- or glycoprotein species and thus can be considered as one of the most primitive membrane structures developed during evolution. Prokaryotes carrying S-layers are ubiquitously found in every part of the biosphere. This supports the concept of a general supramolecular "porous crystalline surface layer" fulfilling a broad spectrum of functions which are strongly dependent on the particular environmental and ecological conditions. Their structural simplicity makes S-layers a suitable model for analyzing structure-function relationships as well as dynamic aspects of membrane morphogenesis.
Life sciences.
LC Classification
QR77.3E358 1988
Added Entry
Dietmar Pum
Margit Sára
Paul Messner
Uwe B Sleytr
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