" The Monte Carlo method in condensed matter physics "
edited by K. Binder ; with contributions by A. Baumgärtner [and others].
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edited by K. Binder ; with contributions by A. Baumgärtner [and others].
Title & Author
The Monte Carlo method in condensed matter physics\ edited by K. Binder ; with contributions by A. Baumgärtner [and others].
Publication Statement
Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, ©1992.
Series Statement
Topics in applied physics, v. 71.
Page. NO
(xvi, 392 pages) : illustrations
: 3662028573
: 9783662028551
: 9783662028575
Vectorisation of Monte Carlo programs for lattice models using supercomputers / David P. Landau --; Parallel algorithms for statistical physics problems / Dieter W. Heermann and Anthony N. Burkitt --; New Monte Carlo methods for improved efficiency of computer simulations in statistical mechanics / Robert H. Swendsen, Jian-Sheng Wang and Alan M. Ferrenberg --; Simulation of random growth processes / Hans J. Herrmann --; Recent progress in the simulation of classical fluids / Dominique Levesque and Jean Jarques Weis --; Monte Carlo techniques for quantum fluids, solids and droplets / Kevin E. Schmidt and David M. Ceperley --; Quantum lattice problems / Hans De Raedt and Wolfgang von der Linden --; Simulations of macromolecules / Arthur Baumgärtner --; Percolation, critical phenomena in dilute magnets, cellular automata and related problems / Dietrich Stauffer --; Interfaces, wetting phenomena, incommensurate phases / Walter Selke --; Spin glasses, orientational glasses and random field systems / Allan P. Young, Joseph D. Reger and Kurt Binder.
The "Monte Carlo method" is a method of computer simulation of a system with many degrees of freedom, and thus it has widespread applications in science. It takes its name from the use of random numbers to simulate statistical fluctuations in order to numerically gen- erate probability distributions (which cannot otherwise be known explicitly, since the systems considered are so complex). The Monte Carlo method then yields numerically exact information on "model systems". Such simulations serve two purposes: one can check the extent to which a model system approximates a real system; or one may check the validity of approximations made in analytical theories. This book summarizes recent progress obtained in the implementation of this method and with the general analysis of results, and gives concise reviews of recent applications. These applications include simulations of growth processes far from equilibrium, interfacial phenomena, quantum and classical fluids, polymers, quantum problems on lattices, and random systems.
Condensed matter.
Monte Carlo method.
Statistical physics.
LC Classification
QC174.85.M64E358 1992
Added Entry
A Baumgärtner
K Binder
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