رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Emerging perspectives on the design, use, and evaluation of mobile and handheld devices "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 763016
Doc. No : b582996
Main Entry : Joanna Lumsden, [editor].
Title & Author : Emerging perspectives on the design, use, and evaluation of mobile and handheld devices\ Joanna Lumsden, [editor].
Publication Statement : Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global, 2015
Series Statement : Advances in wireless technologies and telecommunication (AWTT) book series.
ISBN : 1466685840
: : 1680158015
: : 9781466685840
: : 9781680158014
Contents : On mobility and interaction landscapes: identifying three strands of developments for mobile interaction design research Mikael Wiberg --; Modern standards for voiceXML in pervasive multimodal applications Dirk Schnelle-Walka, Stefan Radomski, Max Mühlhäuser --; MagiThings: gestural interaction with mobile devices based on using embedded compass (magnetic field) sensor Mehran Roshandel, Amin Haji-Abolhassani, Hamed Ketabdar --; Category-based interfaces for mobile search Tomi Heimonen --; Playing with traffic: an emerging methodology for Developing Gamified Mobility Applications Martin Kracheel, Rod McCall, Vincent Koenig --; Rethinking education for sustainability: a mobile learning approach. Leonardo Giusti, Alessandro Pollini, Federico Casalegno --; Usability heuristics for mobile phone applications: a literature review Thaísa C. Lacerda, Juliane V. Nunes, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim --; The phone as a tool for combining online and offline social activity: a study of early mobile social media use Stina Nylander --; Emerging issues in mobile data capture methods across multiple domains: learning from the user experience Jo Cranwell [and 5 others] --; Perceived impacts as user experience components in mobile news making with smartphones Heli Väätäjä --; Investigating serendipitous smartphone interaction with public displays Matthias Baldauf, Peter Fröhlich --; Large-scale research via app stores: challenges and opportunities at the example of a NFC game adoption study Matthias Kranz, Andreas Möller, Florian Michahelles.
Abstract : This book is an authoritative reference source consisting of the latest scholarly research and theories from international experts and professionals on the topic of human-computer interaction with mobile devices--
Subject : Mobile apps -- Evaluation.
Subject : Mobile computing.
Subject : Smartphones -- Design and construction.
LC Classification : ‭QA76.59‬‭J636 2015‬
Added Entry : Joanna Lumsden
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