رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Post-LBO development : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 769191
Doc. No : b589179
Main Entry : Richard K. Lenz, with a foreword by Christoph Kaserer.
Title & Author : Post-LBO development : : analysis of changes in strategy, operations, and performance after the exit from leveraged buyouts in Germany\ Richard K. Lenz, with a foreword by Christoph Kaserer.
Publication Statement : Wiesbaden : Gabler Verlag, ©2010.
Series Statement : Gabler research., Entrepreneurial and financial studies.
Page. NO : (xxii, 530 pages)
ISBN : 1283171716
: : 3834921637
: : 3834986003
: : 9781283171717
: : 9783834921635
: : 9783834986009
Contents : And Founding Theory --; Model Building and Hypotheses Development --; Empirical Part --; Synthesis and Outlook.
Abstract : The current financial crisis has intensified the discussion around buyouts and the related value creation of financial investors. Richard K. Lenz analyses how LBOs evolve after the financial investors have exited. Based on three case studies of former LBOs in Germany, he shows that performance decline is often related to the weakening of the former performance-enhancing series of governance instruments. The author reveals that management starts to over-emphasize growth while improvements on the micro-level of the company are robust and allow outperforming competitors. Finally, he concludes that performance decline seems to be rather due to inconsistent interests and less monitoring by new shareholders than to wealth transfer towards financial investors.
Subject : Corporations -- Germany -- Finance.
Subject : Leveraged buyouts -- Germany.
Subject : Private equity -- Germany.
LC Classification : ‭HD2746.55.G3‬‭R534 2010‬
Added Entry : Richard K Lenz
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