" The Epoch of Galaxy Formation "
edited by Carlos S. Frenk, Richard S. Ellis, Tom Shanks, Alan F. Heavens, John A. Peacock.
Document Type
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Main Entry
edited by Carlos S. Frenk, Richard S. Ellis, Tom Shanks, Alan F. Heavens, John A. Peacock.
Title & Author
The Epoch of Galaxy Formation\ edited by Carlos S. Frenk, Richard S. Ellis, Tom Shanks, Alan F. Heavens, John A. Peacock.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1989
Series Statement
NATO ASI series., Series C,, Mathematical and physical sciences ;, 264.
Page. NO
(470 pages)
: 9401069026
: 9789400909199
: 9789401069021
I. Forming Galaxies --; Galaxy formation: high redshift or low? --; Observable signatures of young galaxies --; A multicolor search for forming galaxies --; Lyman-alpha galaxies in 1988 --; Morphological evolution of radio galaxies --; High redshift radio galaxies and galaxy formation --; Deep surveys of field and low-flux-radio galaxies --; Constraints on the epoch of galaxy formation from deep U-band counts --; II. Gas Clouds --; Lyman line absorption systems --; Damped Lyman alpha absorbers: the progenitors of galactic disks --; A chemically young galaxy at z=2.3 --; Lyman? emission from a possible primeval galaxy at z=2.5 --; III. Quasars --; The quasar redshift cut-off --; Fifty-three multicolour selected quasars with redshifts greater than three --; The luminosity function and clustering of QSOs --; High redshift quasars in the cold dark matter cosmology --; The intergalactic medium and the epoch of galaxy formation --; A cooling flow around the quasar 3C196 --; IV. Evolution of Galaxies and Clusters --; Galaxy evolution in high density environments --; Evolution of compact groups and formation of elliptical --; Properties of galaxy clusters associated with quasars --; History of star formation in normal galaxies --; Recurrent star formation in elliptical galaxies --; V. Background Radiation --; Constraints on galaxy formation from cosmic background radiations --; Explaining the Nagoya-Berkeley submillimetre background --; Star formation and the x-ray background --; VI. Models --; Galaxy formation and biased clustering --; Galaxy clusters and the epoch of galaxy formation --; Exploring origins for the Hubble sequence --; Galaxy mergers in a CDM model --; Clustering and dynamics in a dissipative CDM N-body simulation --; The galaxy luminosity function: an alternative to the Press and Schechter technique --; Galactic evolution and global star formation --; Galaxy formation and cooling flows --; The epoch of galaxy formation in explosion models --; Recent results on cosmic strings and galaxy formation --; Galaxy formation in unstable dark matter models --; VII. The Age of the Galaxy --; The age of the Galaxy --; The nature and age of the galactic thick disk --; A simple model for the Local Group of Galaxies --; VIII. Prospects --; Future observational prospects --; Poster Papers --; A new deep AAT redshift survey --; On the interpretation of galaxy counts, and color and redshift distributions --; The interpretation of faint galaxy counts --; Limits on dust in damped Lyman-alpha systems and the obscuration of quasars --; The stellar content of early-type galaxies in dense environments --; A new study of absorption line density in QSO's Ly? forest --; The Edinburgh/Durham southern galaxy catalogue --; Mass-to-light ratios and the age of galaxies --; Emission lines and star formation in radio galaxies --; The age of the radiogalaxy 0902+34 at the redshift z=3.395 --; Statistics of radio galaxy populations and galaxy formation --; Simulations of the visual appearance of galaxy clusters at high redshift --; Central galaxy formation by cooling flows --; Constraints on the amplitude of primordial density fluctuations --; Spottiness in the structure of the microwave background radiation --; Energetic constraints on spectral distortions of the microwave background --; CBR polarization by cosmic dust at high redshifts --; Growth of perturbations in a collapsing protogalaxy --; The turnaround epoch of clusters of galaxies --; The correlations of peaks in random noise --; Density maxima as sites for galaxy formation --; A cross-correlation method to test the dependence of the clustering of galaxies on luminosity --; Constraints on the formation redshift of bright galaxies in biased scenarios --; Biased theories with non-v threshold --; Sinking satellites and disk heating of spiral galaxies --; Galaxy formation in asymmetric dark haloes --; Gas in a cosmological N-body simulation --; Dissipational galaxy formation --; Tidal origin of starbursts and active galactic nuclei --; The topology of large scale structure: observations --; Append --; Galaxy formation: the board game --; Author Index.
Scientists in the late twentieth century are not the first to view galaxy formation as a phenomenon worthy of explanation in terms of the known laws of physics. Already in 1754 Kant regarded the problem as essentially solved. In his Univerlal Natural Hutory and Theory 0/ the H eaven
LC Classification
QB857.5.E96E358 1989
Added Entry
Alan F Heavens
Carlos S Frenk
John A Peacock
Richard S Ellis
Tom Shanks
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Durham, U.K., July 18-22, 1988
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