رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The American Cockroach "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 773599
Doc. No : b593593
Main Entry : edited by William J. Bell, K.G. Adiyodi.
Title & Author : The American Cockroach\ edited by William J. Bell, K.G. Adiyodi.
Publication Statement : Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1982
Page. NO : (552 pages)
ISBN : 9400958277
: : 9400958293
: : 9789400958272
: : 9789400958296
Contents : 1. Introduction.- 1.1 Distribution.- 1.2 Life cycle.- 1.3 Ecology.- 1.4 Biotic associations and medical importance.- 1.5 Economic and biological importance.- 2. Integument.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Structure of the integument.- 2.2.1 Macromolecular structure.- 2.2.2 Chemical composition of the cuticle.- 2.3.3 Supermolecular structure of the cuticle.- 2.3 Integument during ecdysis.- 2.3.1 Post-ecdysial changes in the cuticle.- 2.3.2 Bursicon-mediated control of cuticle sclerotization.- 2.3.3 Accumulative control mechanisms associated with ecdysis.- 2.4 Stabilization of the ooetheca.- 3. Circulatory System.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Heart and circulation.- 3.3 Haemolymph volume.- 3.4 Haemocytes.- 3.5 Constituents of haemolymph.- 3.5.1 Ionic composition.- 3.5.2 Haemolymph sugars: trehalose and glucose.- 3.5.3 Haemolymph lipids.- 3.5.4 Haemolymph proteins.- 4. Nutrition and Digestion.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Morphology of the alimentary canal and salivary glands.- 4.2.1 General organization.- 4.2.2 Microscopy.- 4.2.3 The peritrophic membrane.- 4.2.4 Innervation.- 4.3 Nutrition.- 4.3.1 Natural and synthetic diets.- 4.3.2 Specific requirements.- 4.3.3 Long-term regulation of intake.- 4.4 Enzymology.- 4.4.1 pH and redox potentials.- 4.4.2 Digestive enzymes.- 4.4.3 Control of secretion.- 4.5 Physiology of digestion.- 4.5.1 Gut movements.- 4.5.2 Absorption of inorganic ions and water.- 4.5.3 Absorption of organic materials.- 4.6 Microbiology and pathology of the gut.- 5. Respiration.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Rates of gaseous exchange.- 5.3 Morphology of the tracheal system.- 5.3.1 The tracheal plan.- 5.3.2 Fine structure.- 5.3.3 Non-respiratory functions of the tracheal system.- 5.3.4 Spiracle structure.- 5.3.5 Spiracle innervation.- 5.4 Spiracle activity.- 5.4.1 Independent spiracle action.- 5.4.2 Segmental control.- 5.4.3 Intersegmental control.- 5.5 Ventilation mechanisms.- 5.5.1 The organization of pumping movements.- 5.5.2 Ventilation in quiescent insects.- 5.5.3 Ventilation in active and in stressed insects.- 5.5.4 Auxiliary ventilation and autoventilation.- 5.5.5 Spiracle activity coupled to ventilation.- 5.5.6 Non-respiratory functions of spiracle coupling.- 5.5.7 The origin and control of the ventilatory rhythm.- 5.5.8 Sensory co-ordination of ventilation.- 5.6 Diffusive-convective gas exchange in quiescent insects.- 5.6.1 Saturniid pupae.- 5.6.2 Periplaneta americana.- 5.6.3 The endogenous patterning of intermittent ventilation.- 5.6.4 One-muscle spiracles and diffusive-convective gas exchange.- 6. Osmoregulation and Excretion.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.1.1 General comments and reference to previous treatments of osmoregulation and excretion in cockroaches and other insects.- 6.1.2 Basic concepts in osmoregulation and excretion.- 6.2 Water relations.- 6.2.1 Water content.- 6.2.2 Water loss.- 6.2.3 Tolerance to stress.- 6.3 Components of water and ion metabolism.- 6.3.1 Sources.- 6.3.2 Pools and structures involved in osmoregulation and excretion.- 6.4 Excretory products.- 6.4.1 Nitrogenous excretory products.- 6.4.2 Miscellaneous materials.- 6.5 Regulation and kinetics of osmoregulation.- 6.5.1 Regulation of ionic composition.- 6.5.2 Hormonal influences and kinetics of ion transport.- 6.5.3 Energetics of excretion.- 6.6 Conclusions.- 7. Fat Body and Metabolism.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Morphology.- 7.3 Histology and ultrastructure.- 7.3.1 Trophocytes.- 7.3.2 Urate cells.- 7.3.3 Mycetocytes.- 7.4 Bacteroids.- 7.4.1 General description.- 7.4.2 Functional significance.- 7.4.3 Culture of bacteroids.- 7.5 Composition of fat body.- 7.5.1 Organic constituents.- 7.5.2 Inorganic constituents.- 7.6 Intermediary metabolism.- 7.6.1 Synthesis of glycogen and trehalose.- 7.6.2 Gluconeogenesis.- 7.6.3 Synthesis of lipids.- 7.6.4 Protein synthesis.- 7.6.5 Uric acid metabolism.- 7.6.6 Amino acid metabolism.- 7.6.7 Glycogenolysis.- 7.6.8 Glycolysis and the pentose cycle.- 7.6.9 Tricarboxylic acid cycle.- 7.6.10 Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation.- 7.6.11 Lipolysis.- 7.6.12 Cyclic nucleotide metabolism.- 7.6.13 Other metabolic activities.- 7.6.14 Physiological factors influencing fat body metabolism.- 7.7 Conclusions.- 8. Nervous System.- 8.1 Introduction.- 8.2 Structural organization of central and peripheral pathways.- 8.2.1 General anatomical features.- 8.2.2 The brain (supraoesophageal ganglion).- 8.2.3 Stomodaeal nervous system (SNS).- 8.2.4 Retrocerebral neuro-endocrine complex (RNC).- 8.2.5 Ventral nerve cord (VNC).- 8.3 The extraneuronal compartment.- 8.3.1 Structural components.- 8.3.2 Ionic balance and the 'blood-brain' barrier.- 8.4 Electrophysiology.- 8.4.1 Cable properties and resting potential.- 8.4.2 Active properties and action potential.- 8.4.3 Excitability.- 8.5 Synaptic transmission.- 8.5.1 Electrical and chemical transmission.- 8.5.2 Graded transmission.- 8.5.3 Transmitter substances.- 8.6 Toxicology.- 8.6.1 The effects of insecticides on the nervous system.- 8.6.2 Autotoxicity.- 8.7 Functional organization.- 8.7.1 Reflexes and their central control.- 8.7.2 Intersegmental co-ordination.- 8.7.3 The giant fibre system.- 8.7.4 Neural basis of rhythmic behaviour.- 8.8 Learning.- 9. Sense Organs.- 9.1 Introduction.- 9.2 Visual system.- 9.2.1 Structure of the compound eye.- 9.2.2 Light-dark adaptation and visual acuity.- 9.2.3 Colour vision and polarized light sensitivity.- 9.2.4 Central projections: the lamina ganglionaris.- 9.2.5 Ocelli.- 9.3 Mechanoreceptive sensory systems.- 9.3.1 Cercal thread hair system.- 9.3.2 Proprioreceptors of the leg.- 9.3.3 Subgenual organs.- 9.4 Antennal sensory system.- 9.4.1 Structure and classification of antennal sensilla.- 9.4.2 Olfaction.- 9.4.3 Pheromone reception.- 9.4.4 Thermoreception.- 9.4.5 Hygroreception.- 9.5 Chemoreceptors on the maxillary palpus.- 9.6 Conclusions.- 10. Rhythms.- 10.1 Concepts and terminology.- 10.2 Circadian rhythms of individuals.- 10.2.1 Locomotion.- 10.2.2 Feeding.- 10.2.3 Drinking.- 10.2.4 Susceptibility to chemical agents.- 10.3 Circadian rhythms of populations.- 10.4 Circadian rhythms of physiological systems.- 10.4.1 Respiration.- 10.4.2 Circulation.- 10.4.3 Digestion.- 10.4.4 Integument.- 10.4.5 Endocrine.- 10.4.6 Nerve and muscle.- 10.4.7 Reproduction.- 10.5 Location of photoreceptors and circadian pacemakers.- 10.6 Rhythms other than circadian.- 10.7 Conclusions.- 11. Muscles and Muscular Activity.- 11.1 Introduction.- 11.2 Organization and innervation.- 11.2.1 Gross structure and innervation.- 11.2.2 Fine structure.- 11.2.3 Neuromuscular junctions.- 11.3 Biochemistry.- 11.4 Electrophysiology.- 11.4.1 Ionic basis of electrical responses.- 11.4.2 Electrical properties.- 11.4.3 Electrical responses to neural stimulation.- 11.5 Neuromuscular transmission and its chemical basis.- 11.5.1 Transmission at excitatory neuromuscular junctions.- 11.5.2 Transmission at inhibitory junctions.- 11.5.3 Transmission in visceral muscles.- 11.5.4 Octopamine and neuromodulation.- 11.5.5 Effects of toxins.- 11.6 Mechanical properties.- 11.6.1 Skeletal muscle.- 11.6.2 Visceral muscle.- 11.7 Functional use of muscle.- 11.7.1 Muscle activity during walking.- 11.7.2 Muscle activity and muscle properties.- 12.
: Neurosecretions and Hormones.- 12.1 Introduction.- 12.2 Neurosecretory cells (NSC).- 12.2.1 Brain.- 12.2.2 Biogenic amines in the brain.- 12.2.3 Functions of the neurosecretory cells of the brain.- 12.2.4 Control of NSC of brain.- 12.2.5 Suboesophageal and ventral ganglia; Perisympathetic organs; other NSC terminals.- 12.3 Corpora cardiaca (CC).- 12.3.1 General structure.- 12.3.2 Morphology and ultrastructure of the CC.- 12.3.3 Neurohormones of the CC.- 12.4 Neurohormones of the ventral nerve cord.- 12.4.1 Proctolin and hindgut-stimulating neurohormones.- 12.4.2 Bursicon.- 12.4.3 Antidiuretic hormone.- 12.5 Corpora allata (CA).- 12.5.1 Fine structure of the CA.- 12.5.2 Innervation.- 12.5.3 Juvenile hormones.- 12.5.4 Regulation of the CA.- 12.5.5 Regulation of JH titre.- 12.5.6 Actions of JH.- 12.6 Prothoracic glands (PG).- 12.6.1 Tracheation and innervation.- 12.6.2 Fine structure.- 12.6.3 Growth and regression of the PG.- 12.6.4 Control of regression of the PG in adult.- 12.6.5 Function of the PG.- 12.6.6 Cyclic activity of PG.- 12.6.7 Actions of ecdysone.- 12.6.8 Titres of ecdysteroids.- 12.6.9 Alternate sources of moulting hormone.- 12.6.10 Activation of the PG.- 12.7 Ovary as an endocrine organ.- 13. Reproduction.- 13.1 Introduction.- 13.2 Female reproductive system.- 13.2.1 Morphology of the ovary.- 13.2.2 Ooegenesis and vitellogenesis.- 13.2.3 Ooecyte resorption.- 13.2.4 Transmission of bacteroids.- 13.2.5 Ovulation and oviposition.- 13.3 Male reproductive system.- 13.3.1 Morphology of the testis and sperm ducts.- 13.3.2 Spermatogenesis.- 13.3.3 Sperm storage.- 13.3.4 Sperm motility.- 13.3.5 Accessory sex glands and their functions.- 13.3.6 Mechanisms controlling sexual maturation and reproduction in the male.- 14. Pheromones and Behaviour.- 14.1 Introduction.- 14.2 Orientation.- 14.2.1 Positional orientation.- 14.2.2 Object orientation.- 14.3 Courtship.- 14.3.1 Analysis of courtship behaviour.- 14.3.2 Bioassay of female sex pheromone.- 14.4 Agonism.- 14.5 Aggregation.- 14.6 Learning.- 14.7 Conclusion.- 15. Embryonic and Post-Embryonic Development.- 15.1 Introduction.- 15.2 Embryogenesis.- 15.2.1 Determination and regulation.- 15.2.2 Induction.- 15.3 The ootheca.- 15.4 Culture of intact embryos ex-ovo.- 15.5 Embryonic behaviour development.- 15.6 Eclosion and hatching.- 15.7 Tissue culture of the embryonic nervous system.- 15.8 Conclusion.- 16. Regeneration.- 16.1 Introduction.- 16.2 Tissues with regenerative potential.- 16.2.1 Epidermal structures.- 16.2.2 Internal tissues.- 16.2.3 Regenerative fields.- 16.3 Phenomenology of limb regeneration.- 16.3.1 Faithfulness of regeneration.- 16.3.2 Moulting delay.- 16.3.3 Synchronization of moulting.- 16.3.4 The regenerative process.- 16.4 Regulation of regeneration.- 16.4.1 Role of nerves.- 16.4.2 Role of hormones.- 16.5 Unified model.- 16.5.1 Systems involved.- 16.5.2 Interactions of the systems.- 16.6 Conclusion.- References.- Species Index.
Subject : Life sciences.
LC Classification : ‭QL508.B6‬‭E358 1982‬
Added Entry : K G Adiyodi
: William J Bell
کپی لینک

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