رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Lifelong Management of Hypertension "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 773748
Doc. No : b593742
Main Entry : edited by H. Mitchell Perry.
Title & Author : Lifelong Management of Hypertension\ edited by H. Mitchell Perry.
Publication Statement : Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1983
Series Statement : Developments in cardiovascular medicine, 26.
Page. NO : (268 pages)
ISBN : 9400967322
: : 9789400967328
Contents : I. Epidemiology --; 1. Epidemiology of mild hypertension --; 2. Childhood precursors of adult hypertension --; 3. Therapeutic decisions in management of borderline hypertension --; II. Pharmacology of antihypertensive agents --; 4. Salt, diuretics and resistance to treatment --; 5. Autonomic drugs used in the treatment of the hypertensive patient with particular reference to beta-receptor blocking agents --; 6. Vasodilators and their association with remission --; III. How and whom to treat --; 7. Nonpharmacologic treatment of hypertension --; 8. The enigma of mild hypertension: how much treatment? --; 9. Antihypertensive drug interactions --; IV. Prevention of hypertension and its complications --; 10. Complications of hypertension and their relation to therapy --; 11. Heart failure and hypertension --; 12. Antiplatelet drugs --; 13. Pregnancy, oral contraceptives and hypertension --; V. Hypertension as a problem for society --; 14. Systolic hypertension in the elderly --; 15. Paramedical personnel and adherence to antihypertensive regimens --; 16. Economics of hypertension.
Abstract : In the thirty years since the advent of efTective pharmacologic treatment for hypertension, the world ofthe hypertensive has been transformed beyond recog nition. The first change involved only malignant hypertensives with enough residual renal parenchyma to survive. Such a hypertensive could trade inevitable renal failure - unless an intracerebral bleed occurred first - for a rigid regimen which prevented his blood pressure from destroying him but which was asso ciated with nearly intolerable side effects. Over the next 20 years, increasing numbers of patients with hypertension of decreasing severity were treated with drugs that had fewer and fewer side effects. In 1970, with the medical world finally ready to accept the concept, the well-known Veterans Administration Study demonstrated that morbidity and mortality could be diminished in mode rately hypertensive patients by antihypertensive therapy that had minimal side effects. As a result there has been a major attempt to bring everyone with elevated blood pressure under lifelong pharmacologic control. It is difficult, however, to know what levels ofblood pressure deserve treatment; many who, when therapy first became available, would not have even been considered hypertensive are now candidates for treatment. The lower the pressure, the larger the potential population to be treated, but the smaller the individual risk and hence the smaller the possible benefit. The point where decades of diminished quaiity of life from treatment begins to outweigh a possible late-life complication is yet to be de termined.
Subject : Cardiology.
Subject : Medicine.
LC Classification : ‭RC685.H8‬‭E358 1983‬
Added Entry : H Mitchell Perry
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