رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Energy from Biomass : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 773893
Doc. No : b593887
Main Entry : edited by W. Palz, G. Grassi.
Title & Author : Energy from Biomass : : Proceedings of the Workshop on Biomass Pilot Projects on Methanol Production and Algae, held in Brussels, 22 October 1981\ edited by W. Palz, G. Grassi.
Publication Statement : Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1982
Series Statement : Solar energy R & D in the European Community., Series E,, Energy from biomass ;, 2.
Page. NO : (191 pages)
ISBN : 9400977638
: : 9789400977631
Contents : Methanol from wood; a review related to the proposals submitted to the Commission of the European Communities --; I --; Methanol from Wood --; Synthetic fuel from biomass: the AVSA dual fluid bed combustor --; gasifier project --; Gazéification du bois en lit fluidisé à l'oxygène et sous pression en vue de produire un gaz utilisable pour la synthèse du méthanol --; Development of the oxygen donor gasifier for conversion of wood to synthesis gas for eventual production of methanol --; Synthetic fuel from wood using steam and air --; Experimental work on a fixed-bed oxygen gasifier in the view of methanol synthesis using biomass as a feedstock --; Design and construction of a pressurized wood gasifier with heat input by oxygen combustion or by electrical heating --; Proposed 20 tonnes per day biomass gasification pilot plant --; Synthesis gas obtained from biomass --; Gasification of wood in the circulating fluidized bed --; methanol production route --; II --; Algae --; Biotechnologie solaire --; Production et utilisation des algues --; Hydrocarbon production via cultivation of the alga botryococcus braunii --; Culture de l'algue botryococcus braunii à l'échelle pilote --; Fuel gas production by mariculture on land.
Abstract : This l:::ook comes as part of a new series on Solar Energy R+D, includlng Biomass which is carried out by the Euro:pean Community. The commission of the European Comrmmities' Directorate General (XII) for Science, Research and Developnent is currently implementing, on a cost-sharing basis, a solar energy R+D pro;Jranune through contracts with European industry, research institutions and uni versi ties. This prcgrarrrrne includes a very strong acti vi ty on Biomass. Besides general R+D work on all aspects of Biomass growth and utilization which is reported elsewhere in this series, the Canmission is currently starting a new activity on Pilot Plants based on the use of Biomass for energy purp:Jses, and in particular on methanol prcx:luction from wood. The commission considers that the subject of methanol prcxiuction from wood offers llnp:Jrtant prospects for application wi thin the European Canmilllity and in other parts of the world, in particular some of the developing countries & The state of art in Europe In this field is still considered to be very high as a result of related work which was performed in Europe during ~vorld War II and the time before.
Subject : Engineering.
Subject : Renewable energy sources.
Added Entry : G Grassi
: W Palz
Parallel Title : Proceedings of the Workshop on Biomass Pilot Projects on Methanol Production and Algae, held in Brussels, 27 October 1981
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