رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Can planning replace politics? : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 774049
Doc. No : b594043
Main Entry : edited by Raphaella Bilski [and others].
Title & Author : Can planning replace politics? : : the Israeli experience\ edited by Raphaella Bilski [and others].
Publication Statement : The Hague ; Boston : M. Nijhoff ; Hingham, MA : Distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston, 1980
Series Statement : Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation series.
Page. NO : (337 pages) : illustrations
ISBN : 9400988575
: : 9789400988576
Contents : Theoretical aspects of national planning. Planning in the making / Dan Inbar ; Conceptions of national planning: a tentative model / Yohanan Manor ; Futures studies versus plannning / Moshe Shani ; Ideologies and values in national planning / Raphaella Bilski and Itzhak Galnoor ; Environmental influences on the public sector / Gabriel Sheffer and Dan Inbar --; Case studies. Water planning: who gets the last drop? / Itzhak Galnoor ; Planning in Israel's public health services / Raphella Bilski ; Urban and regional planning in Israel / Moshe Hill ; Fund-raising: money is not enough / Gabriel Sheffer and Yohanan Manor --; Planning and policymaking in Israel. National versus sub-national in Israel / Raphaella Bilski [and others].
Subject : Economic policy.
Subject : Israel -- Economic policy.
Subject : Israel -- Social policy.
LC Classification : ‭HN660.A8‬‭E358 1980‬
Added Entry : Raphaella Bilski Ben-Hur
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