" Britain and the Netherlands : "
edited by A.C. Duke, C.A. Tamse.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by A.C. Duke, C.A. Tamse.
Title & Author
Britain and the Netherlands : : VolumeVI War and Society Paper Delivered to the Sixth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference\ edited by A.C. Duke, C.A. Tamse.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1978
Page. NO
: 9400996764
: 9789400996748
: 9789400996762
1 The English People and War in the Early Sixteenth Century.- 2 Holland's Experience of War during the Revolt of the Netherlands.- 3 The Army Revolt of 1647.- 4 Holland's Financial Problems (1713-1733) and the Wars against Louis XIV.- 5 Municipal Government and the Burden of the Poor in South Holland during the Napoleonic Wars.- 6 The Sinews of War: The Role of Dutch Finance in European Politics (c. 1750-1815).- 7 Britain and Blockade, 1780-1940.- 8 Away from Impressment: The Idea of a Royal Naval Reserve, 1696-1859.- 9 Problems of Defence in a Non-Belligerent Society: Military Service in the Netherlands during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.- 10 World War II and Social Class in Great Britain.- 11 The Second World War and Dutch Society: Continuity and Change.
Social sciences.
LC Classification
DA300.E358 1978
Added Entry
A C Duke
C A Tamse
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