" Primordial Nuclei and Their Galactic Evolution : "
edited by Nikos Prantzos, Monica Tosi, Rudolf Steiger.
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Main Entry
edited by Nikos Prantzos, Monica Tosi, Rudolf Steiger.
Title & Author
Primordial Nuclei and Their Galactic Evolution : : Proceedings of an ISSI Workshop 6-10 May 1997, Bern, Switzerland\ edited by Nikos Prantzos, Monica Tosi, Rudolf Steiger.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1998
Series Statement
Space sciences series of ISSI, 4.
Page. NO
(xii, 327 pages)
: 9401151164
: 9789401061506
: 9789401151160
I: Early Universe --; Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Density of Baryons in the Universe --; Observed Densities in the Universe --; Non-BBN Constraints on the Key Cosmological Parameters --; Stars and Stellar Systems at z> 5: Implications for Structure Formation and Nucleosynthesis --; Big Bang Theory and Primordial Nuclei --; II: Extragalactic Objects --; On the Measurements of D/H in QSO Absorption Systems --; A Reverse Monte-Carlo Study of H+D Lyman Alpha Absorption from QSO Spectra --; The Primordial Helium-4 Abundance from Observations of a Large Sample of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies --; Temperature Fluctuations, Hii Region Abundances, and Primordial Helium --; Towards an Understanding of the Systematic Uncertainties in Deriving the Primordial Helium Abundance from Hii Region Observations --; Primordial Helium and?Y/?Z from Hii Regions and from Fine Structure in the Main Sequence Based on Hipparcos Parallaxes --; Extragalactic Abundances of Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Helium --; III: Low-Z Stars --; The Low Metallicity Tail of the Halo Metallicity Distribution Function --; Lithium Abundances in Low-Z Stars --; Lithium Abundance in Pop. II Stars --; Galactic Evolution of the Light Elements: A New Set of B Observations --; Key Questions for Low-Metallicity Stars --; IV: Galactic Disk, Galactic Evolution --; Measurements of the 12C/13C Ratio in Planetary Nebulae and Implications for Stellar Evolution --; Helium-3: Status and Prospects --; Mixing in Stars and the Evolution of the 3He Abundance --; Galactic Evolution of D and 3He --; Halo White Dwarfs and Baryonic Dark Matter --; The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way Disk --; V: Solar Nebula --; Abundances of Deuterium and Helium-3 in the Protosolar Cloud --; Galileo Probe Measurements of D/H and 3He/4He in Jupiter's Atmosphere --; Evidence of Element Diffusion Inside the Sun and the Stars and its Consequences on the Lithium Primordial Abundance --; VI: Local Interstellar Medium --; Measurement of the Abundance of Helium-3 in the Sun and in the Local Interstellar Cloud with SWICS on Ulysses --; Deuterium Abundance in the Local ISM and Possible Spatial Variations --; Deuterium Observations in the Galaxy --; Local Interstellar Medium --; Epilogue --; Workshop Summary --; Author Index --; List of Participants.
This volume gives a comprehensive overview of current knowledge about the light nuclei created in the Hot Early Universe: H, D, 3He, 4He, and 7Li. It combines observational and theoretical results on the early Universe, the distant galaxies, our Milky Way, the local interstellar cloud, and the solar nebula. The implications for cosmology, galactic and stellar evolution, dark matter research etc. are outlined and directions of future research are indicated.
Added Entry
Monica Tosi
Nikos Prantzos
Rudolf Steiger
Parallel Title
Proceedings of an ISSI Workshop, 6-10 May 1997, Bern, Switzerland
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