" Transmission Lines With Pulse Excitation. "
George Metzger
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George Metzger
Title & Author
Transmission Lines With Pulse Excitation.\ George Metzger
Publication Statement
Saint Louis : Elsevier Science, 2014
Page. NO
(228 pages)
: 9780323159708
Front Cover; Transmission Lines with Pulse Excitation; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Notation; Chapter I. General Equations for Transmission Lines; 1. Introduction; 2. Definition of the State of the Line at a Point; 3. Per Unit Length Parameters, or Primary Parameters; 4. General Equations; 5. Use of Operational Calculus (The Laplace Transform); 6. Appendix. The Per Unit Length Parameters L, C, R, G; Chapter II. The Method of Traveling Waves; 1. The Method of Traveling Waves for the Lossless Line; 2. Principal Results; 3. Examples; 4. A Tabular Method. 5. Appendix. Formulas for the Method of Traveling Waves in the General Case of a Line with LossesExercises; Chapter III. The Bergeron Diagram; 1. Basic Relations; 2. Principle of the Method of Bergeron; 3. The Introduction of Lumped Elements; 4. Input Signal e(t) Different from a Step Function; Exercises; Chapter IV. Line Transients Using Operational Calculus; 1. Generalities; 2. Lossless Lines. General Properties; 3. Lines with Loss in the Beginning of the Transient Regime; 4. Lossy Lines Satisfying the Heaviside Condition; 5. The Influence of Skin Effect. 6. An Equivalent Lumped Circuit for a Line7. Appendix; Exercises; Chapter V. Lines in the Sinusoidal Steady State; 1. Preliminary Definitions; 2. Solution of the Line Equations, and the Secondary Parameters Zc and < U+00de> 3. Characteristic Impedance for Some Special Cases; 4. Interpretation of < U+00de> 5. Decomposition of the Steady State into Two Traveling Waves; 6. The Matched Line; 7. Approximate Values of < U+00de> . Propagation Velocity as a Function of Frequency (Dispersion); 8. Impedance Seen Looking into a Line; 9. The Lossless Line as an Impedance Transformer; 10. Conclusion. Chapter VI. Solutions to ExercisesExercises for Chapter II; Exercises for Chapter III; Exercises for Chapter IV; SUBJECT INDEX; Electrical Science.
Transmission Lines with Pulse Excitation aims to provide engineers with a guide to the solution of the problem on the behavior of a pulse signal on a transmission line. The book begins with an introduction to the general equations for transmission lines and the simplest pulse, the unit step. Chapters II and III present the numerical and graphical representation of the methods of traveling waves. Chapter IV is devoted to the study of the problem on the propagation of an arbitrary pulse on an arbitrary line. The final chapter describes the behavior of a line in the sinusoidal steady stat.
Electric lines.
Pulse circuits.
LC Classification
TK7868.P8G467 2014
Added Entry
George Metzger
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