" Solar power for the world : "
editor, Wolfgang Palz.
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editor, Wolfgang Palz.
Title & Author
Solar power for the world : : what you wanted to know about photovoltaics\ editor, Wolfgang Palz.
Publication Statement
Boca Raton, Florida : Pan Stanford Publishing, 2014
Series Statement
Pan Stanford series on renewable energy, v. 4
Page. NO
(778 pages)
: 9789814411882
: 9814411876
: 9814411884
List of ContributorsHymn to the SunIntroduction to Solar Power for theWorldPARTI ALIFE FOR PV: WOLFGANG PALZ'S NOTABLE ROLE IN DEVELOPMENTFROM THE EARLY DAYS UNTIL NOW1 The Rising Sun in a Developing WorldWolfgang Palz1.1 Electric Power, a Pillar of Modern Society1.1.1 Electricity in Today's Life1.1.2 The ConventionalWorld of Electricity1.1.3 Solar PV: A Part of the New SemiconductorWorld1.2 Looking Back to Light the Future1.2.1 The Emergence of Electricity1.2.2 From the "Voltaic Pile" to the Photovoltaic Cell1.2.3 Photovoltaic Power: The First Steps1.3 Solar Power for Space Satellites1.4 First Ideas about Lighting with Solar Power1.4.1 Mutations of the Societies in the US and Europe1.4.2 A New Awareness for Solar Power1.4.3 The Oil-Price Shocks and the Nuclear Disasterof 19861.5 After the Vision: A Mountain of Challenges1.5.1 PV in the Starting Blocks in 19731.5.2 The Cost Problem: Technological Challenges1.5.3 The Chicken and Egg Problem: MassProduction1.5.4 Entrenched Energy Strategies and Politics1.5.5 Against Dominant Allocations of State Budgets1.5.6 Administrations1.5.7 Energy Pay-Back Time and Module Lifetime1.5.8 Intermittency of Supply1.5.9 Environmental Challenges1.6 Leadership1.6.1 The Pioneering Role of the US1.6.2 France: A European Solar Pioneer1.6.3 PV Start-Up in Germany1.6.4 PV Ups and Downs in Japan1.6.5 UNESCO1.6.6 The European Union1.6.7 The G81.6.8 The Energy Empire Fights Back2 Solar Power for the WorldWolfgang Palz2.1 Basics for a New Solar Age2.1.1 The Ethical Imperative of Photovoltaics2.1.2 Cost and Social Acceptance: Ingredients for aViable Energy Strategy2.1.3 PV as Part of a Holistic Approach towardsRenewable Energy Implementation and EnergyConservation2.1.4 What about the Power Plants on the Road? Car drivers and their power plants2.1.4.2 Mobilising PV for transport2.2 Driving Forces2.2.1 Aspirations of the People2.2.2 Preserving Nature and Alleviating ClimateChange2.2.3 Peak Oil2.2.4 Energy Security of Supply2.3 The Role of Stakeholders in Society2.3.1 Governments and Administrations2.3.2 Industry and Finance2.3.3 PV Costs and Benefits for Society: A SpecialRole for the Grid Operators2.4 A New Energy Paradigm2.4.1 Centralised or Decentralised PV2.4.2 What Role Can Conventional Power UtilitiesPlay?2.4.3 Communities and Regions Mastering TheirOwn Energy Supply2.4.4 The Autonomous Energy House: SolarArchitecture and the Building Industry2.5 Power for the People2.5.1 Starting a Global Strategy: 10Watts per Head2.5.2 PV for the People in the IndustrialisedWorld2.5.3 PV for the People in the Solar Belt2.6 Power for the Poor2.6.1 Getting Involved2.6.2 PV Power for the Poor in the DevelopingCountries2.6.3 Power for the Poor in the IndustrialisedCountries2.7 Power for Peace3 PV Today and ForeverWolfgang Palz3.1 Solar Power 2009-10: AWealth of Achievements3.1.1 The Global PV Markets 2009-103.1.2 Political, Financial, and Industrial Environment3.1.3 The Technology Boom Goes On3.2 Outlook3.2.1 On the Threshold of Commercial Viability3.2.2 Outlook towards 20203.2.3 PV as Part of a 100 Percent Renewable EnergyWorld3.3 ConclusionsPART II THE BEGINNING OF PV IN THE UNITED STATES4 EarlyWork on Photovoltaic Devices at the Bell TelephoneLaboratoriesMorton B. Prince5 Terrestrial Photovoltaic Industry: The BeginningPeter F. Varadi6 Bringing the Oil Industry into the PictureKarl Wolfgang Boer7 The Story of SunPowerRichard M. Swanson7.1 Introduction7.2 The Beginnings of Terrestrial PV7.3 My Early Years7.4 Formation of SunPower7.5 Concentrators7.6 Race Cars7.7 Optical Detectors7.8 The PV Business Takes Off7.9 Airplanes7.10 Project Mercury7.11 A New Plan7.12 Cypress7.13 Goodbye Concentrators7.14 Becoming a Manufacturer7.15 Polarization7.16 IPO7.17 PowerLight7.18 Epilog8 History of Technologies, Development for Solar Silicon CostReductionFrederick Schmid8.1 Introduction8.2 Development of HEM and FAST for Reducing theCost of SiliconWafers8.3 FAST Development8.4 Development of Technology for Reducing SiliconMeltstock8.5 Summary9 Solar Cell Development Work at COMSAT Laboratories(1967-1975)Denis J. Curtin10 The IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists ConferenceAmerico F. (Moe) Forestieri10.1 Brief History of the US IEEE PVSC and the WilliamR.
Cherry Committee10.2 8th PVSC: The 1970 PVSC in Seattle,Washington,by Joseph Loferski10.3 12th PVSC: 1976 Baton Rouge, Louisiana,by Americo ForestieriPART III PV STARTING A SOLAR AGE IN EUROPE11 Initiating a Solar Revolution in GermanyHermann Scheer12 My Solar Age Started with TchernobylFranz Alt12.1 Solar Policy Is Social Policy13 Will This Work? Is It Realistic? Thoughts and Acts of aPolitical Practitioner with a Solar VisionHans-Josef Fell13.1 MyWay of Solar Thinking13.2 Being Called a Solar Do-Gooder and UnrealisticPolitician13.3 Some Important Steps of My Life Illustrate thePersistence of My SolarWay13.4 And How Is It Today?14 The Role of Research Institutes for the Promotion of PV:The Case of Fraunhofer ISE (Institute of Solar EnergySystems)Adolf Goetzberger15 PV in Berlin-How it All Began: The Story of Solon, Q-Cells.PV in BrazilStefan Krauter16 The Kick-Off PV Programme in Germany: The OneThousand PV Roofs ProgrammeWalter Sandtner17 The Story of Developing Solar Glass FacadesJoachim Benemann18 PV in Europe, from 1974 to 2009: A Personal ExperienceHelmut Kiess18.1 Insight Period: 1974-198818.2 Innovation Period during the Decade 1988-199818.2.1 State of the Art in 1988: Some Details18.2.2 The Decade between 1988 and 199818.2.3 State of the Art in 1998: Some Details18.3 Innovation and Industrial Production during theDecade between 1998 and 200818.3.1 State of the Art in 2008: Some Details18.4 Epilogue19 France Did NotWant to Look for the SunAlain Liebard and Yves-Bruno Civel20 More Electricity for Less CO2Yves Bamberger20.1 Electric Eco-Efficient End-Uses20.2 Achieving an Ever Lower-Carbon Electricity Mixwith Nuclear and Renewables20.3 Networks: A Tool for Pooling Production andIntegrating Renewable Energies20.4 Carbon-Free Electric Mix as an Opportunity toDevelop New Industrial Facilities21 The History of Renewable Energies in the Canary Islands,Especially in TenerifeRicardo Melchior and Manuel Cendagorta22 WhyWas Switzerland Front-Runner for PV in the 90s butLost the Leadership after 2000?Thomas Nordmann23 Solar Power in Geneva, SwitzerlandPhilippe Verburgh23.1 A First-Class Solar Potential23.2 The "5 MW Solar" Project and the "SIG VitaleRange"23.3 A Sunny Future for Geneva24 The PV World Conference in ViennaWolfgang Hein25 Abandoning Nuclear in Favor of Renewable Energies: TheLife Story of Giuliano Grassi-Florence, ItalyGiuliano Grassi25.1 First Period: Beginning of My Professional Activityas Engineer25.2 Second Period: Transition from Electro-Mechanicalto Nuclear Activity25.3 Third Period: Renewable Energies25.4 Concluding RemarksPART IV PV IN ASIA: A DRAGON ISWAKING UP26 PV in Japan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 417Osamui Ikki and Izumi Kaizuka26.1 History26.2 Current Status of PV in Japan26.3 New Support Framework for PV26.4 Conclusion27 Leaders of the Early Days of the Chinese Solar IndustryQin Haiyan27.1 Turning a Dream into a Reality: The Story ofHuang Ming27.2 The Richest Man in China: The Story of ShiZhengrong27.3 Internationalization and a Traditional Chinese Soul:The Story of Miao Liansheng27.4 Development Led by Technology: The Story ofGao Jifan28 Review of China's Solar PV Industry in 2009Gao Hu29 Lighting theWorld: Yesterday, Today and TomorrowBiswajit Ghosh29.1 Light and Energy29.2 Path toward Initiatives on PV Research29.3 PV in India and International ScientificCooperation29.4 Lighting the Remote29.5 Views of the AuthorPARTV PVFOR A BETTER DEVELOPING WORLD30 Photovoltaics in the World Bank Group PortfolioAnil Cabraal30.1 World Bank Group Photovoltaics Projects30.2 Business Models for Off-Grid Service30.3 Key Lessons of Experience30.4 Guidelines for Designing Sustainable Off-GridProjects30.5 Future Support for Photovoltaics31 Illiterate Rural Grandmothers Solar-Electrifying Their OwnVillagesBunker Roy31.1 Ground-Breaking Innovation in the Field ofTechnology31.2 Sustainable Development: Now and in the Future31.3 Innovation and Its Practical Application31.4 Demystifying of 21st Century Technology in19th Century Conditions-Management, Controland Ownership in the Hands of the Rural Pooraround theWorld31.5 Present and Future Impact of Innovation: Numberof People Affected31.5.1 Renewable Energy31.5.2 Continent of Africa31.5.3 Global31.5.3.1 Providing an answer to a majorchallenge-tackling global climatechange from the community level32 Early PV Markets and Solar Solutions in South AsiaNeville Williams33 Photovoltaic Power Systems for Lifting Women Out ofPoverty in Sub-Saharan AfricaDominique Campana33.1 Solar Energy against the "Energy Poverty" Trap33.2 In Conclusion34 Promoting PV in Developing CountriesBernard McNelis34.1 Looking at Solar34.2 Into PV34.3 Into All Things Solar34.4 Into Intermediate Technology34.5 Into Africa34.6 Global Solar Pumping Programme34.7 IT Power34.8 Mali34.9 Dominican Republic34.10 China34.11 Robert Hill34.12 EPIA34.13 World Bank,Washington, Corruption34.14 Other Countries, People, Institutions34.15 Where DoWe Go from Here?PART VI PV FOR THEWORLD35 On the International Call for Photovoltaics of 2008Daniel Lincot36 AWorld Network for Solar R&D: ISESMonica Oliphant37 Three Steps to a Solar System: From 1% to 40% and 100%Harry Lehmann37.1 Equal Treatment37.2 A Further Step: Coming Out of the Niche37.3 Full Solar Supply or the "Great Transformation"37.4 Scenarios: A Look into the Present and theFuture37.5 To Sum Up I Can Say: 100% Solar System IsPossible!38 SolarBankMichael T.
Eckhart38.1 Landmark Solar PV Study in 197838.2 Away from PV for 15 Years38.3 Return to Solar PV in 199538.4 World Bank 1996-199838.5 India 1996-200138.6 South Africa 1997-200238.7 Europe 1997-200438.8 ACORE 2001-Present38.9 Bonn 2004, WIREC 2008, and IRENA38.10 SolarBank Looking Forward39 Solar Power in PracticeStefan Behling40 AWorld in BlueBernd Melchior40.1 From Butterflies to aWorld in "Blue": How Did ThisHappen?40.2 New Treatment for Porous Materials to ConserveMonuments Like the Dome of Cologne40.3 Process Steps for a Treatment with theAutoclave40.4 Translucent Insulation Material40.5 My Start into Photovoltaic40.6 Changing DC Current into AC Current40.7 Diffuse Light Concentrator40.8 Tracking and Concentration Systems40.9 The ADS Concept: Autonomous, Decentralized,Sustainable40.10 The Blue Mountain40.11 ADS Robinson Club on Fuerteventura40.12 First Bungalow in theWorld Realized in ADS:"Casa Solar", Almunecar, Spain40.13 Solar Powered Container: 3000 km Trip to 7th EUPhotovoltaic Solar Conference and Exhibition inSeville, Spain, October 198640.14 A Solar Powered OrthopedicWorkshop Containerfor a Hospital in Tanzania40.15 Integration of Photovoltaic into Roofs: "Sunflate"40.16 SUNCLAY + SUNERGY: A Two-ComponentPhotovoltaic System for the Harmonic, Aestheticand Flexible Integration into the Architecture ofRoof40.17 Next Generation Photovoltaic40.18 New Generation of Solar Clay Tiles40.19 The Combination of Solar and Wind BSWT41 Factory for Sale, or the Long and StonyWay to Cheap SolarEnergy: The Story of the Thin-Film CdTe Solar Cells; FirstSolar and Others-A Semi-AutobiographyDieter Bonnet42 High Efficiency Photovoltaics for a SustainableWorldAntonio Luque42.1 Introduction42.2 The 2008 Spanish Boom42.3 A Market Forecast Model42.4 The FULLSPECTRUM Project and the ISFOC42.5 Summary43 Nonconventional Sensitized Mesoscopic (Gratzel) SolarCellsMichael Gratzel44 Solar Bicycles, Mercedes, Handcuffs-PlusEnergy BuildingsGallus Cadonau44.1 AWorldwide Unique Solar Decision: Tour de Sol44.1.1 CO2-free Hotel Ucliva in the Swiss Alps:1st Solarcar Race of theWorld44.1.2 Tour de Sol 1985: Solar Bicycles andMercedes Benz44.1.3 First Solarcar Driving Past an AtomicPower Plant44.1.4 Geneva-Final Stage of the 1st Tour de Sol1985: The Power of the Sun44.1.5 Tour de Sol 2 in 1986: MassachusettsInstitute of Technology in the RoadsideDitch44.1.6 Welding and Sweating Instead ofChampagne44.1.7 Strong Solar Teams from Germany and theSwiss School of Engineering Biel44.1.8 Solar Cells for "Independency" orTerrestrial PV Utilisation?44.1.9 Tour 3 in 1987: Huge Interest and"Chermobiles"44.1.10 Huge International Media Coverage44.1.11 Tour Organisation and Its Regulations44.1.12 Tour de Sol Protests and Appeals in Court?44.1.13 Solar Mountain Race: Through 360 Curvesto Arosa/GR44.2 World's First Energy Feed-in System inBurgdorf/BE44.2.1 Tour de Sol in France: Solar Energy Insteadof Air Pollution44.2.2 World's First Energy Feed-in System inBurgdorf/BE: "Grid Interconnection"44.2.3 The Principles of Solar Energy Use: BestTechnology or Self-Sufficiency?44.2.4 Tour de Sol 4 in 1988: PV Innovation andFinancing Are Getting Broader44.2.5 PV on Land and onWater44.2.6 Solar Energy Is Getting IncreasinglyPopular Also for Groups and Managers44.2.7 Safety, Recuperation and Road Capability inWinter44.2.8 Solar Power: A Friendly Alternative44.2.9 Tour de Sol: "A Hotbed for Solar-ElectricMobility"44.2.10 Car Makers, What Have You Done in thePast?44.2.11 Tour de Sol and the International SolarcarFederation (ISF)44.2.12 Rail 2000 and Solarcars in Double-DeckCoaches44.2.13 The Ideal SOLARCAR 2000: Emission-FreeTraffic Circulation in the 21st Century44.3 The Solar Alternative in Road Traffic:World SolarChallenge44.3.1 The Solar Alternative in Road Traffic44.3.1.1 Two hundred years after theFrench Revolution: The SolarRevolution (1989) California's Clean Air Act,Zero-Emission Vehicles, PVProgram for 1000 kW Roofs44.3.1.3 First alpine crossing withsolarcars: The Sun conquers theGotthard Pass in 198944.3.1.4 Solarcar: A danger for 150 pigs? Alpine tests at the 1st EuropeanChampionship of AlpineSolarcars (ASEM) in 198944.3.1.6 Bea Vetterli's solarcar in themountains: downhill with morethan 100 km/h44.3.1.7 St. Moritz: 1st ASEM finish and1st electric light in Switzerland44.3.1.8 The British and St. Moritz:Inventors of winter tourism44.3.1.9 Clean Energy St. Moritz: Theoverall energy concept44.3.1.10 Last Tour de Sol in 199144.3.1.11 Solarcar world record: 148 km/hat the ASEM 199544.3.2 World Solar Challenge in Australia andthe US44.3.2.1 FirstWorld Solar Challenge in1987: 3005 km across Australia44.3.2.2 Japan'sWaterloo at the 1st WSC:Detlef Schmitz Missed the Start44.3.2.3 The SecondWorld SolarChallenge and its dangers in theAustralian desert44.3.2.4 The "GREATEST RACE on EARTH,Creating a SOLUTION notPOLLUTION" International Solar High-TechCompetition across Australia44.3.2.6 What technology and strategywas responsible for the victory? "Spirit of Biel": 1.8 dl (Solar) fuelfor 100 km-55 times moreefficient44.3.2.8 Great suspense and an odd cup inMcLarens on the lake44.3.2.9 Detlef Schmitz: the friendly"Suitcase Man" Detlef: veteran andmisadventurer at each WSC1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 199944.3.2.11 World Solar Challenge 1993:Japan invests millions insolarcars44.3.2.12 Honda changes its strategy forthe WSC 199344.3.2.13 WSC and Sunrayce in the US andother solar races in 199644.4 Solar Prize, Handcuffs and PlusEnergy Buildings44.4.1 Swiss Solar Prize and Handcuffs44.4.1.1 Solar utilisation: from traffic tobuilding sector44.4.1.2 "Solar 91: for an energyindependentSwitzerland" First Solar Prize 1991 for world'sbiggest solar surface perinhabitant44.4.1.4 Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi:initiative, courage and solarinstallations44.4.1.5 Handcuffs, excavators and solarelectricity44.4.1.6 Rene B artschi: "most successfulSwiss governing councillor" Four times too much solar energyand a winter bathe44.4.1.8 European Commission, USDepartment of Energy andJapanese Industry44.4.1.9 Best integrated solarinstallations: withoutoverbuilding cultural land44.4.1.10 The solar mission of the FederalMinister of Energy44.4.2 Solar Energy on the Rise44.4.2.1 European PV Conference inand popular initiative for solarenergy44.4.2.2 European Parliament: SwissSolar Prize-model for EuropeanSolar Prize44.4.2.3 Bonn-Cologne-Brussels-Amsterdam: more solarelectricity than in Australia44.4.2.4 Federal Chancellor Vranitzkyawards 1st European Solar Prizein Vienna44.4.2.5 Chancellor Vranitzky: "CentralEurope free of nuclear powerplants" First European Solar Prize goesto successful opponent of EDF44.4.2.7 City/Charter: implementation ofthe goals of Rio on municipalitylevel44.4.2.8 Breakthrough in Parliament in1997: one CHF billion for solarenergy44.4.2.9 Ucliva Agreement: first EuropeanShell Solar factory in Switzerland44.4.3 Mephisto & Co against Solar Energy44.4.3.1 The wisdom of ArthurSchopenhauer and solar energy44.4.3.2 J.W. Goethe and "a very gooddinner"-instead of solar energy44.4.3.3 Combat against renewableenergies44.4.3.4 Millions for deception of citizens44.4.3.5 Economic war against innovativebusinesses44.4.3.6 Swiss economical functionaries:best work for the ChineseCommunist Party44.4.3.7 Do authorities harass citizensthat are loyal to the constitution? Solar energy instead ofunconstitutional bureaucracy44.4.3.9 Constitutional right for solarbuilding permit: new law withinthree months44.4.4 Market-Based Compensation forRenewable Energies44.4.4.1 Market-based compensation forbillions of fossil-nuclearsubsidies44.4.4.2 Prof. Dr.
Rene Rhinow: best usageof revenues for measures44.4.4.3 European Court of Justice 2001:grid feed-in is not tax44.4.4.4 Democratic decision of theelectricity consumer on energyinvestments44.4.5 Best Innovative Entrepreneurs forSustainable Economy44.4.5.1 Small- and medium-sizedentrepreneurs are the mostinnovative44.4.5.2 Biogas-compo-gas: 1 kg ofbanana peel = 1 km of car drive44.4.5.3 Solar house on the FederationSquare: built in 22 hours44.4.5.4 Swiss Solar Prize for firstPlusEnergy Building44.4.5.5 Shell's solar factory inGelsenkirchen: "we want to earnmoney" Lord Norman Foster on the 15thSwiss Solar Prize 200544.4.5.7 PlusEnergy Buildings for Alpineresort: 175% Self-Supply44.4.5.8 Energy-intensive industrialPlusEnergy Building: 125%self-supply44.4.5.9 Installed PV performance: worldleader in 1992-last in 200844.4.5.10 Sustainable economy: amateurbecomes world champion44.4.5.11 China could outrun all-economically and ecologically44.5 PEB Cover 75% ofWorld's Energy Demand44.5.1 From Solar Collectors to PlusEnergyBuildings44.5.1.1 Conclusion of Tour de Sol, WSC aswell as Swiss and European SolarPrize44.5.1.2 Energy efficiency: "Sine qua non"of PlusEnergy Buildings44.5.1.3 PlusEnergy Buildings (PEB) witha self-supply between 100% and200% PV and refurbishment of a6-family house: energy needsreduced by 90% PV on PlusEnergy Buildings: thelevel of building technology of201044.5.1.6 PV and refurbishment of a12-family house: energy needsreduced by 93% Energy-intensive businessbuildings as PlusEnergyBuildings44.5.2 PV-PEB Cover 75% ofWorld's EnergyConsumption44.5.3 Stanford: "Clearly, Enough RenewableEnergy Exists"44.5.4 First European Award for PlusEnergyBuildings of CHF(
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