" Solving TSP by Transiently Chaotic Neural Networks. "
Shyan-Shiou Chen
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Shyan-Shiou Chen
Title & Author
Solving TSP by Transiently Chaotic Neural Networks.\ Shyan-Shiou Chen
Publication Statement
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2008
: 9789537619107
It has been more than two decades since artificial neural networks were employed to solve TSP. Among the efforts in improving the performance of this computational scheme, substantial achievements have been made in incorporating chaos into the system and developing mathematical analysis for finding the parameters in the chaotic regime and convergent regime. There are several advantages in employing the piecewise linear activation function. We have observed that the TCNN with piecewise linear activation function has better performance than with the logistic activation function in the.
Open Access Collection.
Added Entry
Chih-Wen Shih
Shyan-Shiou Chen
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