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" How to be a High School Superstar : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 782807
Doc. No : b602820
Main Entry : Cal Newport.
Title & Author : How to be a High School Superstar : : a Revolutionary plan to get into college by standing out (without burning out)\ Cal Newport.
Edition Statement : First edition
Publication Statement : New York: Three Rivers Press, [2010] ©2010
Page. NO : xxiv, 244 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN : 0767932587
: : 9780767932585
Notes : "Originally published in the United States by Broadway Books, and imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 2010" -- Title page verso.
Contents : The law of underscheduling. Horseshoe crabs and blogs --; Rethinking "passion" --; The making of the relaxed superstar --; The systematic superstar --; The underscheduled student --; The law of focus. Solar panels, stress, and Stanford --; The superstar effect --; Good begets good --; When more is less --; The law of innovation. The laziest student at Bella Vista High School --; The failed-simulation effect --; Lassiter's insight --; The three rules of innovation --; A tale of three innovations.
Abstract : What if getting into your reach schools didn't require four years of excessive A.P.-taking, overwhelming activity schedules, and constant stress? In How to Be a High School Superstar, Cal Newport explores the world of relaxed superstars--students who scored spots at the nation's top colleges by leading uncluttered, low stress, and authentic lives. Drawing from extensive interviews and cutting-edge science, Newport explains the surprising truths behind these superstars' mixture of happiness and admissions success, including: · Why doing less is the foundation for becoming more impressive. · Why demonstrating passion is meaningless, but being interesting is crucial. · Why accomplishments that are hard to explain are better than accomplishments that are hard to do. These insights are accompanied by step-by-step instructions to help any student adopt the relaxed superstar lifestyle--proving that getting into college doesn't have to be a chore to survive, but instead can be the reward for living a genuinely interesting life.
Subject : College choice -- United States.
Subject : College choice.
Subject : Universities and colleges -- United States -- Admission.
LC Classification : ‭LB2351.2‬‭C356 9999‬
Added Entry : Cal Newport
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